After bringing Alyssa to church for camp, we picked up Emma's friend, Halle for a sleepover. We went to play at the little wading pool again, and I'm disappointed that I didn't take this photo from a better angle so both girls could be seen better. They looked so cute lounging by the side of the water.

Halle was proud to show me that she taught herself how to swim underwater here in the little wading pool. The girls had a lot of fun splashing around.

Bekah does an arabesque.

Dancing and checking out her shadow at the same time.

She was in the dancing mood today!

Emma and Halle went to play on the playground while I stayed with Rebekah in the little pool.

Posing for pics in the sand.

Rebekah brought me this bucket filled with water and told me, "OK, you are a cow, and this is your milk."

After swimming, we picked Daddy up from work and took the girls to a driving range where they had golf instruction for children and their parents. Emma and Halle had only miniature golfed before today, and both improved a lot over the course of the lesson.

At first, Rebekah wanted to golf leftie, and here she is setting up her ball on the left side.

She quickly realized that she's a rightie and switched to the other side.

Smiling with club in hand.

I took some continous shots of the girls as they drove the ball, and other than missing the point of impact for both of them, I thought it came out kind of cool. Emma 1.

Emma 2.

Emma 3.

Emma 4.

Halle 1.

Halle 2.

Halle 3.

Halle 4.

Happy with her shot.


Daddy, Bekah, and Emma on the driving range.
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