Yesterday, we went to a U. S. History encampment that had a special tribute to President Abraham Lincoln in celebration of the bicentennial of his birth, along with a salute to all veterans. Here the girls are listening to Lincoln tell stories about his life.

Meeting our 16th President.

The girls all made stovepipe hats like the one Lincoln wore (and stored important documents in :) Here they are sitting with Daddy and having a snack with their hats in between them.

Emma wearing her stovepipe hat.

Throughout the park grounds, they had many re-enactments going on. Here we stumbled upon one of only a few female doctors during the time of the civil war. She is being informed by the battalion officer of an injury to one of his men, only 17 years old. It was really neat to see all of this. The people spoke as if they were back in the civil war era, and watching them was just like seeing a story unfold.

The girls' expressions show how realistic the surgery appeared to be.

The girls thought the surgery was real, and they seemed very worried for the patient throughout. Afterwards, Alyssa gave the account the doctor had provided about how she gave the young man some ether so he could fall asleep and not feel the pain as two bullets were removed.

A close up view of the surgery.

Rolling down the hill.

Relaxing at the bottom of the hill.

These two girls dressed in period clothing stopped to pose for a photo.

A soldier on horseback stopped so the children could look at his horse. The horse had just taken a carrot from my hand.

Pounding their names into brass plates.

Concentrating very hard on her work.

3 girls by the covered wagon. It was a fun day. Ka'eo's best subject in school was always math, and mine was English/Literature, but beyond those subjects, we share a common interest in our second favorite subject: American History. It's great now that the girls are old enough to go to events like this and learn new things, it's exciting too that they enjoy it a lot!
what a GREAT, fun way to learn History. My favorite subjects were European History and French, closely followed by American History too =)
I just have to say that I LOVE that Ecclesiastes verse that you used under your three girls' picture. I decided to use it on my blog too under my new header picture. Hope you don't mind :-)
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