Saturday, June 27th was The Great American Backyard Campout, so we pitched a tent in the corner of our backyard to celebrate. It rained a tiny bit for about a half hour, but other than that the weather was nice.

After setting up the tent, we went to a practice area at a golf course near our house. Emma's favorite part was hitting out of the sand, and that is where she spent almost the entire time we were there. She hits out of the sand way better than I do.

Bekah preferred to treat the sand trap as a huge sandbox :-)

Emma strutting through the sand.

"I got your ball, Em!"

She decided it was easier to go barefoot (A Grandma's Girl, no doubt).

Dave's game improved significantly after their short lesson the other day as well. It was actually pretty surprising, my Uncle Ted has always told him that you can improve so much in just a few short lessons, and in just one hour, Dave saw how true that is.

Back at home, she put on her pjs and gathered a few stuffed animals for the tent.

When Daddy turned on these lights on the small tree in our yard she said "Wow, this is amazing!"

Relaxing in the tent. We read a little bit, played hide and seek (yes, being in a tent presents some challenges for this game), and played a game that Emma made up called "What's inside the mailbox?" (a guessing game). It was fun.

Playing baseball in the backyard.

Kamele looking in the grass with a magnifying glass.
I had no idea it was Backyard camping day. My kids love doing stuff like that!
I found out about it because we got an email about the Great American Backyard Campout from the National Wildlife Federation, and then later I saw it being advertised at REI as well. I think it was mostly about encouraging families to get outdoors and explore. Something that most kids naturally have an interest in anyway! We are going camping in August, and being that Rebekah had never slept outside in a tent before, we thought it would be good practice for the real thing later in the summer.
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