The same day we went to the library, we also went to the museum, here the girls are by the entrance to the upstairs exhibit hall.

It was hard for me to get the picture of the girls in front of the dino (above) because these huge skeletons hanging from the ceiling had their attention.

We were at the museum for a special event they held remembering the history of the city, and with real life demonstrations for the children of what it would have been like to live here 100 years ago. They had a questionnaire (always a favorite activity for Alyssa) for the kids to fill out as they explored the "Streets of Old Milwaukee" and here they are pictured with a docent who described to them the unique history of George Watts Tea Room, the most historic tea house we have in this area.

The girls by a German Haus. About half way through her activity sheet, Ka'iulani had an epiphany when she said, "Wait...our city is like a little version of Germany!" Yes, there is a strong German influence here!

Alyssa reading a menu written in German.

Hello, is anyone home? This exhibit is full of example homes the way they would have been seen in many European countries between 1890 and 1917. Most of the over 30 doors are authentic, which I thought was really cool. Emma was determined to get inside each one.

When all the doors were found to be locked, the girls settled for window peeking.

Still looking...In many of the houses wax people are either doing some kind of work or preparing a meal that would have been enjoyed in their particular country at that time, there's a lot to see.

By the old fashion mailbox, again this one is for Grandma, and Great Granddaddy too!

The museum has a neat butterfly room where you can see the butterflies from chrysalis stage to adulthood. Most of the times we have come here the butterflies land on us, but on this visit they were all shy.

Very serious in her attempt to catch a butterfly. Alyssa was of course more concerned than the younger two about how delicate the butterflies are.

Looking up, hoping to catch a butterfly.

Making crafts.

Dancing the Hula in the Polynesian area. The girls were so excited when we entered this area and almost altogether they immediately mentioned that this is where Daddy is from!
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