Last week the girls' school was visited by the German Ambassador to the United States. He presented a partnership award to the school for being a recognized school where German culture and language are taught, a "Deutsche Partnerschule".

The Ambassador, Klauss Scharioth.

The Ambassador again. I sat near the back of the gym for the presentation, and as all the children were filing into their places the exit door behind me shut, and there was a man just standing there. He started talking and at first I didn't know who he was talking to, I thought maybe me, because I was the only one right there. Then I noticed he had one of those little "bug" things in his ear. He said "I just came in through the rear gymnasium door and closed it behind me. Secure." It was a little intimidating to be that close to the Ambassador's protection crew.

The Mayor was at the school for the award presentation to speak on behalf of how proud the city is of the school, and how pleased he was to be able to welcome guests such as the Ambassador.

Dr. Brugger, our principal Principal is on the right, listening to the Ambassador desribe why our school was chosen for the partnership distinction.

The Principal accepting the award from the Ambassador.
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