Last night was Open House at the girls' dance studio. Little Ballerina Emma's class was first.

Emma's class is a Ballet and Tap Combo. They will have one ballet number, and one tap number in the May recital. Here they are stretching.

Skipping for warm up.

Last year, Emma was the only kindergarten student in dance (and she wasn't even in kindergarten yet) so her class was combined with the 1st grade class. This made her by far the youngest and smallest child in the class. This year however, there are 4 kindergartners, and since Emma was the only student there last year she has been the little leader of the group this year, she LOVES it!


I loved how Emma's arabesques looked very childlike, yet I could see she's on the right track. Cute form.

Practicing how they will wait in line along side the curtains for their turn to go on stage.

A tap move that Ms. Sarah kept calling "step touch." I don't remember from my days of dance if there is a more technical dance name for it.

The class sitting, listening to Ms. Sarah. It is kind of cute that they are all brunnettes.

Stand Still!!

Being silly while they watched Emma dance.

Alyssa's turn now! Her class is a Tap and Jazz combo, they will also have one number for each in the May recital. What she is doing here is called a shuffle step.

Throughout the class, Alyssa was singing along with the music. It was so funny to me that for as hard as she was concentrating on dance, she couldn't keep herself from singing.

This picture was taken a little late, she's already on her way down from the leap.

Her turn prep. This was interesting for me to watch because in gymnastics, we were never encouraged to set up our turns quite like this, not even on beam where you need to be more precise.

Turning, turning.

I love the pointed toes on her up foot. Watching her dance, I could see that she moves a lot like I did as a gymnast.

She listened very intently to everything Ms. Sarah said. It's always so different to see her at school, church, or dance. She is very serious most of the time, which is not usually how she is at home.

Practicing how they will exit the stage, she enjoyed this part a lot.
1 comment:
Adorable! I bet that was fun to watch!!
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