Waking up on Easter morning was super exciting for everyone. Probably for the Birthday Girl most of all, but all three girls were so happy! The house was all decorated for Easter and Emma's birthday. We started the day with an egg hunt.

With still sleepy eyes, Alyssa and Emma are finding their first eggs.

Rebekah looking...

Found one, hooray!

We had plastic eggs filled with all kinds of goodies, but the real eggs were the tricky ones :) Everyone had to be sure the egg they found was one that they had colored. Here, Emma is examining this one closely.

Kissing the Bunny Egg that Great Mommy gave a couple of Easters ago. I filled it with new candies, of course.

After the hunt, Emma very pleased with her treasures.

Bekah looking over her sweet collection.

Alyssa also happy with all the yummy eggs she found.

The pink peep bunny the baby found.

Checking out her basket now, Alyssa found a gold sword from Legoland that she loved.

Before getting ready for church, we told Emma that she could choose 2 presents to open. She picked up a pink present from Aunty Ku'u, Uncle Addison, Ki'inani, Ka'anela, and Kekane first. She was amazed with her LED Princess Pen, trying to figure out how it lights up! Thank you for all the cute gifts!!

The other present she chose was from Alyssa. She picked out a pink and purple Dragon Webkinz that she knew Emma would be so happy with, and of course, Emma couldn't believe her eyes!

"Thank you, Alyssa! I
LOVE it!!"

The girls by their baskets.

Once we were ready for church, we tried to take a few pictures outside. It was really cold.

After putting on coats, Daddy tested out the timer on the camera.

Finally all of us.

After church we drove down to Illinois for a party at my cousin Cindy's house. Here is Cindy's youngest daughter, Kylie and Rebekah eating cake.

The Birthday Girl playing outside. It looks bright and sunshiney, and we were grateful for the sunshine, but it was still quite breezy and chilly!
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Alyssa with her big bunny punching balloon.

The cute horse Emma has under her head in this photo is a birthday gift from Aunt Laura. On it's back there is a zipper and inside, it's a little duffle that holds enough for a sleepover. Emma loved it immediately, affectionately giving it the name, "Horsie." She wore it around her neck all day, and hasn't been away from it much over the last week.

Bekah loving the bounce house!

Lots of fun!!

Usually, the baby doesn't enjoy jumping in these too much, probably because it can get a little crowded in there with kids bigger than her. But over at Aunt Cindy's she loved it!

Always the little lady, Alyssa is having fun in her pretty Easter dress.

Love the Static Hair!!

Running to find Easter Eggs.

Cindy had a big Happy Easter cake that she lit candles on for everyone to sing "Happy Birthday" to Emma. She felt very special.

Blowing out the candles. She loved having an Easter Birthday. Each year it has been close, but this is the first year that her birthday fell on Easter Sunday, it was fun for her.

Our cousin, Shane hitting the pinata.

Alyssa's turn.

Emma has her try.

The dash to grab all the fallen candies...It was a very strong pinata!! Each child had several chances to hit it, which always makes it more fun. Our girls LOVE pinatas, and can't stand to see empty ones thrown away (we still have a Happy Feet Penguin Pinata from Emma's 4th birthday), so now Grandma and Grandpa have this cutie Easter Basket one at their house.

I should have posted this picture farther down, after the ones of her ice cream cake at G & G's house, but I accidentally went out of order. Kahiwa's yummy ice cream cake left her with a blue mouth at her second celebration of the day. We had a little mini party for her at my parents with more cake and all the girls opening their Easter gifts.

Smiling at her ice cream cake.

Enjoying everyone singing to her.

Making a special birthday wish for the second time today :) !!

Relaxing with her new shades.

Bekah showing her new glasses. I somehow missed Alyssa with hers.

All excited about Pinocchio.

Emma counting all her webkinz on her fingers. The new piggy from G&G that you can barely see in the pic makes how many? Thank you, thank you!

Getting some help while she opens her Swim With Me Puppy from Grandma and Granpda.

This Rescue Pet is very cute, Rebekah is very pleased with how it "pee pees." We can't wait to see how it swims in Grandpa and Grandma's pool this summer!!
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