Alyssa peeking from the top of the lighthouse at the Public Library.

Emma climbing on the roof of the lighthouse.

Listening to the Chickadees. We were at the library for a Dr. Suess birthday event, and I guess this is a fairly popular children's music band. We hadn't heard of them before this day, but Emma really seemed to enjoy their music.

They had two fishing ponds set up in honor of Dr. Suess' book 1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. The girls loved it.

Proud of her green stingray that she caught.

The magnets on their "fishing poles" caused Emma and this boy to catch the same fish, they both thought it was very funny!

Alyssa's Seuss bird artwork, I think the bird was inspired by Gertrude McFuzz.

It's a lot of fun to have my scanner hooked up again. Now I can share more of the girls' artwork, and Emma loves this story, so it was a fun craft for her.

Bekah's birdie, she was much more interested in gluing feathers down than she was coloring.

Alyssa's fish project. She is finally breaking the habit of spelling all English words that end in "sh" as the German "sch" version. She loves to label all her artwork, and my dad will sometimes look at her pictures and say, "Oh, that must be a German
fisch or a German
trasch can," because she tends to make that mistake frequently.

Emma's fish project. Rebekah wanted to give hers to G&G so we had given it to them before I scanned it.

I helped Rebekah label the big and little fish, looking below you can see how happy she was with her work.

Emma showing me her finished art.

Rebekah trying to glue the fish to the craft stick.

Listening to the sea shell.

Decorating the Cat in the Hat cookies. Emma is frowning because she was given black licorice to make whiskers, and to her black licorice is YUCKY!

Cat in the Hat Cookies again.

Making their crafts.

Dr. Suess storytime.

Listening intently to the stories.

Eyes glued to the reading librarian. The minute a story starts all our girls tend to drop what they are doing.
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