We spent the second half of Spring Break at my parent's house and the weather was gorgeous! Unfortunately, after a stretch of a few really nice days in a row, we haven't quite been able to break our current cycle of chilly, windy, rainy days.

Emma made a rock sculpture that she was very proud of.

Sliding backwards.

Alyssa's Mud Pie ~ YUM!

The three girls with the stepping stones they made. It was a fun project, and I wanted to take more pictures, but it was such a messy process, that I decided against bringing out the camera.

The final product of the 4 stepping stones we made.

My parent's kitchen is being remodeled, and after we got tired of eating out, we decided to get some TV Dinners that we could make in the microwave. Our girls had never had one before, and they were so impressed!

So pleased with their Kid Cuisines!! They could not have been happier that all their food was separated into little compartments, and that the little tray represented almost the entire food pyramid.

Enjoying the sprinkler for the first time this season.

Watching the big girls run through the sprinkler, but not very sure about running through the cold water herself.

Emma airborne as she runs through the sprinkler. Both this picture, and the one below it of Alyssa jumping, are better if you click on them so you can see their excited facial expressions as they jump through the water.

Alyssa running through with a wild jump!

Emma all excited as she tries to jump to the side, avoiding the cold water.

I posted this just because I thought Rebekah looked SO TALL.

And the best part about running through the sprinkler...? Sticking your face in to try and get a drink!!!
1 comment:
everytime I see pictures of kids running through sprinklers... it takes me back to being that age =) so entertaining!
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