We had a very nice Spring Break, and I knew it would take me quite a while to post photos we took. Here, the day after Emma's birthday, the girls and I are in the Tropical Dome. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to AUNTY KU'U!!!

Rebekah smelling the flowers.

The pretty yellow orchids.

Alyssa by the Chicle Gum Tree.

Emma by the Queen Emma Lily. We have been to the Mitchell Domes so many times, and have yet to see the Queen Emma Lilies in bloom. We take her pic in front them every time anyway.

Grandma and the girls by the waterfall.

A and E in the Arid Dome.

This cactus looked rose shaped to us, so the girls wanted a picture of it.

With Grandma by the tall cacti.

The theme of the Show Dome is currently English Tea Garden. It is very pretty, here the girls are sitting near the entrance. I don't have a lot of comments to go with many of the photos, we just enjoyed all the flowers.

My mom joked with me about how she was going to pass off the photos I was taking as being from her yard. Taking note of all the strangers in the background of some of our pics, I would have to say her yard is such a showplace that people come from all around to see how nice it looks :)

After spending the morning at the domes, we went to Discovery World. I like how the jellyfish look like they're glowing.

The tunnel aquarium.

Looking up to the fish swimming over head.

The Sea Horse tank.

A close up on the Sea Horses.

When we came here last year, there were a group of this kind of fish that were very tiny, we guessed at the time that they must be babies. Emma named this fish "Little Yellow." Of course we can't be sure it was this exact fish, but she was certain when she walked up to the tank and said, "Look, Little Yellow is all grown up!" Love the Hawkeye colors!!!

Checking out all of "Little Yellow's" friends.

Alyssa in the Great Lakes exhibit.

The two little ones looking at the fish found in the Great Lakes.

Steering the boat called The Challenger with Grandma.

The two "Chefs" in the Challenger's kitchen.

E in one of the bunk rooms on the ship.

Emma still hanging out in one of the bunk rooms of the Challenger, and Bekah serving her some food.

A and R on the boat's deck.

Alyssa and Emma trying to use the pulley system in this chair to lift themselves up.

They decided it worked better with one of them on the ground, lifting the other.

All 3 girls testing the pulleys.

I loved this exhibit that describes to the kids how being smarter can make you stronger. The situation described here talks about farm work and the smart way of using the resources on hand to lift up a large boulder.

Alyssa testing out how making the lifting stick longer made it easier to lift the heavy boulder.

Emma has a turn to try it out.

Rebekah trying to lift it the hard way.

The Water Works section.

The Human Hamster Wheel. The faster you could run, the brighter the light bulb glowed.

Human Hamster Emma.

Emma's turn on the flight simulator. Although she did many barrel rolls in the air, she actually landed the plane very well, much more smoothly than the rest of the people we watched.

Alyssa's flight was a little more wild! I think she would require a lot of very intensive training if she ever aspired to be pilot.

She enjoyed the entire flight simulation though!

Controlling the animatronic dinosaur.

Making "grass angels." I have a similar picture of all 3 of them laying here right around the time of Emma's 4th birthday, when the baby was still pretty little.

After Discovery World, we returned home for Em to open more of her birthday gifts that she didn't open on her birthday because we were visiting family for Easter. Here she is loving all her gifts from her cousins Ki'inani, Ka'anela, and Kekane.

Gifts from Aunty Ku'ulei and family again.

Excited about Ariel underwear.

A cutie pie birdie shirt from Great Mommy and Great Daddy.

Outdoor Easel that all the girls are excited to use if it ever stops raining.

Happy with her Snow White doll.

Impressed with her sword, and the book too!

Sister sword fight with their Legoland Swords. Bekah got a Princess Wand and while watching the bigger girls play, I think she decided she wanted a sword too.

Emma with her Pony Playdough gift from Aunty Ku'u, Uncle Addison, Ki'inani, Ka'anela, and Kekane. She had lots of fun with this!