Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rebekah Goes to Dancing School

Rebekah had a little Ballet Camp this week, and she loved it!
 She packed a tiny purse everyday, all the important stuff inside ~ chapstick, a toy cell phone, and $5. No idea where she came up with the money :-)

Several photos from the week follow. I was the paparazzi mom sitting in the back of class everyday ~ a little embarrassing but it's alright, hopefully she appreciates the pics when she's older, I love seeing them now.

 She was a funny mix of serious moments where she seemed to be in deep dance concentration mode, and other times she was just plain silly, laughing, and slipping and sliding all over the dance floor.


 She loved looking at herself in the mirror as they tippy toe walked down the floor.


This video borders on the longish side, I didn't have a ton of time to trim it down any further. There's a few funny moments about 30 seconds in where she gets a piece of hair stuck in her mouth, as she got it out she catches me in the mirror watching her and starts giving me the sweet eyes.
She's been singing that I Love My Dancing School song all week.

Thank you so much to my mom who express mailed up a pair of ballet slippers early in the week when we couldn't find a pair here that fit her. The missing pair mysteriously turned up later in the week. She favored Grandma's pair, but did have times that she preferred to be barefoot ~ imagine that, Rebekah not leaving shoes on her feet. Thank you, Grandma!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

How my goodness, how cute :) In that first picture with her bangs pulled back she looks so much older.