Last Saturday, Emma lost her second front top tooth. The other top tooth in the middle she lost on her birthday, and the grown up tooth is just barely peeking out of the gum line, so she has quite a big gap in her smile.
Isn't it cute?
Yesterday was a HUGE day for Emma!!! Her cast came off. It needed to go. The once bright and beautiful pink cast had seen it's better day.
These pictures are doing it justice because it was pretty beat up and cracked on one side of her foot. Not to mention dirty and a little bit stinky too {despite Kahiwa's claim that her feet smell like flowers}.

I love the optimism in this pic. Notice the pink shoe in front of her casted foot on the ground. We returned to the doctor not knowing entirely what to expect. If her ankle hadn't healed enough, she had a new cast coming her way ~ although we did know that if that was necessary, it could at least be a water proof one this time. Yet she went to the office, left croc in hand, fully prepared to walk out on two feet!

The cast came off and all three girls were excited to see what was underneath. The first words out of Alyssa's mouth?
"Em, did you grow a 6th toe? Grandpa says that happens, you know!"I'll warn you this next photo is not for the faint of heart. Feel free to keep scrolling or click on it if you feel like being grossed out. This is what can happen to a cooped up foot, and all of last month's skin just hanging around in there.

Eeek! And the bruising {that doesn't show too well here} still looked pretty bad to me too. I kept thinking this can't be good, her foot shouldn't look all misshaped like that. I helped her pick out the color for her next cast. But apparently that's just how it should look and it's time for her to get back to walking!

She's a little bit of a hop along right now, and she can't do any gymnastics until August, but we'll still it count it as a very good day and a huge blessing that she can get back to playing and swimming!
Completely unrelated to Emma's tooth or ankle, I have a quick story about little Kamele. As we were leaving the doctor's office a taxi cab was pulling into the circle driveway in front. Rebekah took a huge hip swooshing step towards the curb, raised her arm way up over head dramatically and yelled out,
"TAXI!" Where did this tiny little peanut shell learn how to hail a cab?!? Goodness, I need to watch out for that girl!
1 comment:
Oh, I bet it felt so good to get that cast off!!! Hope it's continuing to heal well and feel stronger every day! And yay for losing another tooth!
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