Thursday, July 8, 2010

Esther Day, Yesterday

Last night at church Alyssa's class celebrated Esther Day. They just started a unit about Esther so their teachers arranged a Spa Night for the girls so they could have a chance to understand a little about how Esther may have felt as she prepared to meet King Xerxes. The girls were invited to dress up, and they had several teachers on hand to do the girls' hair, paint nails, and put on light makeup. Alyssa loved being pampered!
When we got home from our trip, the invitation to the Spa Night was waiting for Alyssa in the mail and she was so excited, explaining that she heard the older girls talking about how much fun it was last year, and she couldn't believe it was finally her turn.

Her excitement quickly turned into eight wardrobe changes that left her with the conclusion that she wanted to run out to Kohl's for a new dress. She has many, many beautiful dresses, so I insisted that she needed to choose from one of the nice ones she already owns. She didn't argue with me but I could see that she was disappointed. I later found her hidden in the bathroom applying layers of lip gloss.

I really wanted her understand and appreciate the fun evening for what it was, and not focus on the materialistic aspect I had seen her fretting about during the afternoon. So imagine how happy I was when we turned in her Bible to Esther and found some encouraging commentary about Esther's life.

Paraphrasing from the margins of her Bible: Esther was a girl not too much older than Alyssa when she left home to be with people who would never accept her if they knew who she really was. Yet with God's help she was able to act with courage to defend and save her entire people when she took the huge risk of approaching the King on her own accord and asking him to intercede on behalf of the Jewish people. She competed in a beauty contest where there was a lot more to winning than just a crown.

Alyssa had so much fun at Esther Day! She couldn't wait to show me her glitter painted nails and light purple eye shadow. And her dress was just perfect :-)

And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14

1 comment:

Michelle said...

She looks beautiful! And what a great lesson to learn and woman to study!