Friday, July 16, 2010

Hershey Park

 Hershey Park was so much fun. When we visited Hershey in 2005, we didn't go to the theme park because the girls weren't really old enough yet to enjoy most of the exciting things they have to offer. This time around the girls were plenty big. They had the sweetest measurement system that told the kids if they were tall enough to go on certain rides. I couldn't get Rebekah to face me on the correct stand for her size, but she was a Hershey's' Miniature {almost a Kiss}, Emma was Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, and Alyssa was just barely a Twizzler.

 When Alyssa has talked to her friends about the trip, she has told every one of them about this ride, The Great Bear. It was fun. Scary, but fun! I think it was the only roller coaster Emma wasn't tall enough to ride. I was hesitant to let Emma on the roller coasters, thinking her foot would get all bounced around, but after the first one she rode I knew I wouldn't be able to keep her off the rides. She did just fine without any complaint of pain.

 It's very hard to actually see us in the roller coaster photos, here and in the slide show that follows so I pointed out Alyssa's feet in this picture.

 In most cases {like in this pic} we we were able to sit in the front car of the roller coaster due to the special treatment we received because of Emma's injury. They let us line jump all the way to the front every time. Although we were grateful, I almost felt like we were cheating. The people waiting in line were surprisingly understanding and nice about it.

Another short slide show. This has turned out to be such an easy way to share lots of pics, I might make one for each park we visited, I'm not sure yet.

 One of Emma's favorite rides was the Scrambler. I told her after all the times she rode it, she ought to be scrambled eggs by now.

 Rebekah loved driving these monster trucks. Along with another driving ride with little blue cars, they were her favorites. I don't know where she thought she was going but she seemed to think the point was to spin the steering wheel around as fast as she could. No wonder she's such a hazard on wheels in the Barbie Jeep.

 Watching Rebekah in the water park in Hershey was like seeing her grow up before my very eyes. She loved the lazy river, the wave pool, and the water slides. She likes to swim, I had just never seen her enjoy the water so much and so independently.

 She also thought she had hit the cotton candy jackpot. Grandmommy didn't even make her choose between pink and blue, she got both! Thank you so much. You made her sweet tooth very happy!



1 comment:

Michelle said...

again, looks like a super fun day. That is QUITE the roller coaster you guys went on!!!!!! WOW.