Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Martin Luther King Day at the Domes and Public Museum

On Martin Luther King Day, we did what I think many other families decided to do...visit the Mitchell Domes and the Public Museum. Both are free on Mondays to county residents, so they are always popular places when there's no school.
The Show Dome had a circus train theme. New to us were some little box like things that as you crank a small wheel on the front, a speaker provides information on the plants/exhibits nearby. The girls were impressed :-)
At the museum.
The butterflies liked Alyssa's headband.
And Emma's. Emma was not herself all weekend, she just seemed tired and as I look at these photos I can see that her eyes don't look right and her coloring is off. After leaving the museum she was very sleepy, couldn't practice gymnastics at all, and I knew she needed to go to the doctor. She went this morning and sweet thing has pneumonia ~ her poor, fragile lungs can't handle this cold weather we've had.
Photo 23 of 365, taken January 21st.

It was so nice to have a day off school and Dave home from work, and thankfully Emma is now recovering. Her anitbiotics and prednisone are already helping her feel better.


heather said...

We bumped into Dave at the Domes but missed you guys! :-(

jessica said...

It's funny because I stopped to say hi to a friend from church {whose husband's name happens to be Matt} and as I walked away from her, Dave asked me if I saw Matt. I responded that I didn't think he had come along, and Dave insisted, "No, Matt's here." Then we realized we were talking about two different Matts ~ so I knew you were there, but didn't get a chance to say hi.

We saw a minimum of 6 families we knew, everyone thinks alike :-)