Picture 11 of 365, taken January 11th.

Rebekah's class made paper bag puppets, she was so excited to show me the one she made of herself. They were supposed to be making animals.
Picture 12 of 365, also taken January 11th.

She did eventually get around to making an animal ~ a frog. I made a pig while I visited her classroom, they were super easy, cute and colorful.
Picture 13 of 365, taken January 11th.

These shirts and other items with the "Get a Grip" slogan have just recently shown up at our gym's pro shop, although I think I have seen them at meets and in magazines for about a year now, but Alyssa is sure the company got the idea from the leo design that she drew and submitted back in July 2011. She knew it was going take off :-)
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