Dave and I went out for a belated anniversary lunch the day after our anniversary. We tried a new mexican restaurant and it was awesome. They have a rather small menu so there's not a whole lot to choose from, but every single item sounded amazing. I wanted to try it all! Sorry this photo is kind of gross, I forgot to take a pic as the food arrived and it wasn't until after I put this collage together that looking at our 3/4 eaten food seemed so unpleasant.
What I really wish I could feature in my photo from our lunch is Dave getting a re-fill on his water. Anyone who has ever eaten with him, or sat near him for any length of time knows how much ice water he drinks. He was getting impatient waiting for his water glass to be re-filled so he walked up to the bar where the server had left a pitcher. He shook the near empty pitcher over his glass and a huge mountain of ice dumped into his glass. With possible regret for not having waited for our waitress to return with the water, it now looked like he was trying to make a giant snow cone. The ice overflowed so much that he had to walk out the front door of the restaurant with a handful of ice and throw it in the snow. When he wants water, he wants water...
It was a wonderful anniversary lunch, and I tease Dave only becuase he's a good sport about it, and really, he knows that spilling something on himself {or in this case, the bar he was never invited to serve himself from} is all in a day's work for him, just like taking unappealing pictures of our food and trying to pass it off as a blog post is pretty commonplace for me. After all this time of being married, we are nothing if not understanding about each other's faults :-)
We love that restaurant!!! It is hard not to try it all!
And Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!! Congrats on 12 years!
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