Saturday, December 5, 2009

an early morning sight

I was up early one morning and the motion lights outside our living room window kicked on. I looked out and standing in our driveway, just feet from our window was a deer! I know you can't see anything in this picture, but I continued to watch it, and up in the tree filled area in the photo, were three deer. I was amazed how comfortable and at home they seemed in our yard. Tiny snow flakes were filling the air at the same time, it was really beautiful.


There was just the tiniest bit of snow on the ground that morning, enough to kick with our boots as we walked outside.

Headed out on our first snowy morning this winter.

After a very short lived flurry of snowflakes, it warmed up enough for Rebekah to refuse a coat and socks as we went out that morning (not that she would have happily worn those things even if it was much colder). Everything melted immediately, but we are expecting more in the next couple of days. The first snowfall of the winter is always exciting!!

1 comment:

KmCaCFamilyof5 said...

I always get so excited for that FIRST snow of the season :) We're still waiting... possibly this weekend, maybe :)

I love that pic of them walking holding hands down the sidewalk with that dusting of snow!