Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

It's Christmas Eve, and we will have a White Christmas! We've had a rain and snow mix going on and off for the last couple of days, so while it may be a little slushy, the snow is finally starting to accumulate.

Earlier, I was baking treats for all our neighbors and at first, the girls were helping a lot. Then slowly I started losing them one by one as they went to the living room to color decorations for their re-telling of the Christmas Story. After a while, I heard a lot of laughter and jumping around, then a terrible crash, glass shattering. And that's just what it was. I won't go into all the details...suffice it to say that it involved someone who loves Iowa Football, a few snowballs, a beautiful double-paned window, and three energetic little cheerleaders loving every moment of this "game" up until the whole broken glass bit. It's Christmas Eve. I'm baking. Broken window. I started to cry {the most mature response to a broken window, I'm aware}.

Fortunately, only one of the two layers of glass broke, so cold air is not pouring into the house. And of course, the most important thing is that no one was hurt. Shortly after this happened the girls went outside to play. After having been outside for just a short time, the girls told me they had something to show me...
They built a snowman and named it Princess Jessica to "cheer me up." How sweet, it worked. I didn't get a photo until much later when the rain had washed her away some, she used to be taller. The good news? The window has a lifetime warranty and it will be about 6 weeks, but it will eventually be good as new.
At 4:15pm {Alyssa was very specific about the start time} the girls re-enacted the Christmas Story for us. Alyssa assigned the roles and all three of them worked very hard on set design.

The angel Gabriel to a hardworking Mary: "Do not be afraid, you have found favor with God. You will give birth to a son, and you are to name him the name of Jesus."

Pensive Mary. The line they tried to encourage out of her was: "Let it be to me as you have said." She wanted to name her baby Ariel. Alyssa was beside herself, her show after all was at the mercy of an iron willed three year old.

Mary reluctant to go to Bethlehem. Joseph led the donkey, while Mary tried to stay behind.

Okay, I'm going! (Clearly not part of the Christmas Story)

There was no room for them in the inn.

"But you can have my stable out back," the innkeeper told them.
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid. "Fear not," the angel said, "For I bring you good news, of great joy that will be for all people. For onto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
And this will be a sign onto you, you will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Magi from the east came...the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star they were overjoyed. They bowed down and worshiped him, giving him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Rejoice, a King is born!
Merry Christmas

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