Monday, December 21, 2009

Bethlehem Marketplace

On Saturday, we went to Bethlehem Marketplace at Elmbrook Church.
Princess curtsy.

Our driveway is pretty much a sheet of ice lately, and Kahiwa loves it! She did stop skating around long enough to pose for a pic though.

For the Bethlehem Marketplace, the church transforms their huge gymnasium into what the city streets of Bethlehem would have looked like during the census that took place at the time of Jesus' birth. It was very cool.
Right as we arrived, before we even got all the way into the gym where everything takes place, I was reminded {by my allergies} that there were going to be live animals as part of the displays. Uh oh, to late for Claritin, or benedryl, or anything else that would have helped out.

Kahiwalani signing in for the census.

Ka'iulani signing in for Kamele as she looks on. She signed her own name right near the pen that she isn't using.

Each person who signed in with the census takers were given 3 Shekels. Emma was so excited to have the coins to spend.

And wouldn't you know that the very first opportunity for her to spend her money would be on one of her most favorite things to collect ~ rocks!! It was super hard for her to walk by without making a purchase, but she did, because she didn't know yet what the rest of the Market would offer.

Alyssa learning how to use a tool.

Kahiwa petting a goat.

Kamele petting a chicken.

...And looking at a duck. She enjoyed the animals a lot.

Admiring all the pretty jewelry, and wishing she had the 40 shekels to buy some.

The girls with a Roman soldier.

Watching the basket weavers at work.

Learning how to play mancala.

More of the animals. I was really struggling with my allergies by this point, but despite that, it was neat to see the bustling marketplace of Bethlehem and all the activities that would have been going on there at that time.

All throughout the time we were there I was reminded of a verse, Matthew 2:6. It says: "But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means the least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel." The people there could not have possibly understood the impact of what was about to happen, and unfortunately, many were too busy or unwilling to even notice.

Rebekah digging her hands in a bowl of actual frankincense and myrrh.

What was especially nice about our visit to Bethelehem Marketplace was that our friends, Cheryl and John were there with their youngest daughter, Pebbles to play the roles of Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus. Alyssa was so excited to see Pebbles!

Thank you Cheryl, for letting us know this was going on. I'm glad we could make it.

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