Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thankful Feast

 Last Wednesday, Rebekah's class had a cute Thankful Feast...

 Complete with homemade butter that the kids all had a turn to shake, bread and soup that everyone helped prepare. Each child needed to bring in veggies to share, Rebekah chose potatoes.


I must be funnier than I thought the way she's laughing at me here. I love spending time in her class. It's so amazing to me how quickly the kids learn and soak up the German language. Just 3 months ago most of them had heard very little, if any German and now they are listening and responding to stories and conversations in a foreign language.

 I keep feeling like I'm missing out on special occasions in the older girls' classrooms, but I think it is just that they need less parent help as the kids get older :-(

On a funny note, Dave only worked a half day and came with me to the party in Rebekah's class. Seeing that there was more than enough parents, he walked down to Emma's room because he knew they were having a party in there at the same time. He was the only parent there, and Emma met him at the door with the eager announcement to her entire class, "This is my dad, he's trying to grow a moustache!" {more on that tomorrow} Her comment was met with lots of giggles and wild eyed stares from her classmates. Poor Dad was a little embarrassed.

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