Friday, November 19, 2010

Bekah's zoo field trip

Yesterday, Rebekah's class took a field trip to the zoo. Each of the children whose parent was going with were asked to pick a partner, and Rebekah picked Patrick.
 They walked around the zoo together like they were best buddies :-)

For the purpose of easy identification, Rebekah's teacher made them all field trip shirts that say "Hier Bin Ich!" (Here I am!) on the back. The shirts had to be over-sized so that they could fit over winter coats. All the kids looked like little marshmallow people wearing them, and Patrick's shirt in particular was really snug over his puffy coat.

At one point Rebekah looked over at him and said, "You look like a... Muscles!" I kept waiting for her to add "man" or "guy" but she just left it as "muscles." Followed by lots of giggles then the realization that Patrick wasn't laughing with her. So she added, "Oh, it's cute!" Lots more giggles.


We went into the education center where the kids learned a lot about turkeys and got to make one of their own. It's really cute to hear a bunch of 4 and 5 year olds saying words like herbivore, carnivore, polt, snood and wattle.

On Thursday nights while the big girls are busy at gymnastics, Rebekah and I head over to the Germanfest offices for this:
 Kindergruppe German Dance. She's learning some traditional German dances and some of Emma's friends who have been part of the group for a few years have taken her under their wing.

 She loves it, and it's so fun that she has a little activity that is all her own.

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