We have been following the guide for the last week, looking up the verse associated with each day's theme. It's pretty simple, but I'd be remiss to say that it's gone perfectly each night. Even Rebekah, who can't read will get in her bid for why she should be the one to read the verse from the Bible each night {and the verse is always quite interesting when it's her turn to read it}. Now that we have a set rotation down I think it will go better :-)
Some of the things the girls have said they are thankful for are surprising, others are just really cute, childlike expressions of thanks which I appreciate very much and love to hear (Thank you that G&G could come up for Bible Quiz, thank you so much that Halle was at church on Wednesday night, thank you for these brownies that don't taste like bananas {?}). All of the girls were very thankful for Saturday afternoon when their friend Alyssa came over and we made these:

Talking about gratitude over the last week has reminded me how often I need to be more mindful to put words to the things I am grateful for. Often we're so busy running around and I'm saying silent little prayers that this or that will work out, and praise God, it always does {!!} and I don't often enough say out loud to the girls what a blessing we've just encountered. I might recognize God's hand of blessing in our lives, but how will they do the same, if we don't teach them to see it that way?

This sounds like a great thing to be doing in Nov. I think I will google a program like this to see if we can start one up for the rest of November. I can't wait to read your journal from the month.
The guide our church gave out is called 30 Days of Gratitude, A Daily Prayer Guide for Thanksgiving.
You might want to start there with the google search. If you don't find it, let me know. I'm happy to email you the scripture reference and daily theme for the next 15 days. It's pretty simple and doesn't take a whole lot of time each day, but has led to some good conversation :-)
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