After snack time, one of her teachers handed Rebekah a wipe and asked her in German to clean off the table. She got right to work, but I noticed her missing several crumbs and spots of frosting on the table. I started to help Rebekah, and with her sweet {but stern!} German accent the teacher scolded me, Frau Sachs, (when she says our last name, it sounds like Zaaaahks) it doesn't matter how she's doing it, she needs to learn to do it herself. Something most moms need to hear every once in a while, I guess.
great pumpkin!
Kinda funny that you got scolded by Rebekah's teacher :) Totally something I would do to!
(the helping my child clean up part... just wanted to be clear you didn't think I would have scolded you too, haha).
I knew what you meant :-)
I often have to remind myself to wait until the girls leave the room before I go over something they have already "cleaned up". They're not always very thorough, but I do want to esteem their efforts when they offer to help.
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