As I thought about how thankful I am for both our little family and our extended families, I feel so happy and blessed that our girls have Grandparents and Great Grandparents that they know and love so much.
This week I am very thankful for great family time over the Thanksgiving weekend. Even if it did go by too quickly!
{Hey Rebekah, I remember when walking on Grandpa's sore back used to be my job :-)}
I'm so thankful that the girls still get excited over the simplest things.

They were very funny and giddy when we pulled into Home Depot and told them we were there to get a Christmas tree. As Ka'iulani pulled the two smaller girls around the tree yard on the cart you would have thought we were doing something much fancier and exciting than Home Depot shopping.
After tree shopping we just about blew the lid off their entire morning by going across the street to get doughnuts.
I'm thankful for all the pretty Christmas lights being put up here at home, in the yards on our block and downtown. Even the Christmas tree that toppled over in our living room about one hour after we finished decorating it.
I'm thankful for our season tics to 1st Stage Children's Theater.

I'm thankful for the ministry of Steve Evans who visited our church in October. He and his wife live in Africa setting up wells in communities where clean drinking water is not available. The mothers in these villages often have to walk several hours each way to provide their families with clean water. I cannot even begin to scratch the surface of the concerns these mothers must have for the health of their children. It reminds me how often I take simple things for granted. Which is something I should never do because I don't have to look to the other side of the world to see the impact of illness and disease. I'm thankful for the ministry of Steve and the many others like him who are willing to leave home to meet needs in another part of the world.
Over the last weeks and months the topic of thankfulness has come up a lot in Bible Studies, services, and conversations with friends. I'm sure the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons are part of the reason for this, but I always love hearing people talk about how being grateful for something was completely able to transform their perspective. It's pretty hard to concentrate on being thankful, while at the same time feeling worried, mad, or any other range of emotion that stands in the way of gratitude. Circumstances change quickly and tomorrow could be a lot better (or worse) than today. So whether it's a lot that I have to be thankful for, or whether it's just a few doughnuts ~ I hope I'm always able to approach things with a thankful heart.
It's been fun to keep a written record of blessings, and I'm going to do my best to keep up with it. I still maintain that I'm terrible at journaling. I think it's my handwriting, no matter how pretty the paper is, it's just not pleasant to look at...
It's a few days late, but Happy Thanksgiving!!
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