We are beyond thankful that Dave's grandfather's surgery went well. We are so grateful that even though the procedure took longer than planned, the doctors feel confident that it was successful. We have been thinking about you and praying for you constantly, Granddad!!
I am thankful for the time I spent with a friend last Friday. She is one of the funniest people I know and we work together to plan a fundraising event at school. She recently had a surgery to remove cancer and is doing great. Just to sit with her and chat and hear her make jokes was amazing {even if it was just a school meeting}, and it did my heart good.
Something else of much less consequence, but for which I am still thankful, is that ever since we turned the clocks back about a week and a half ago, the girls have been waking up so early since it gets lighter earlier. It is incredible what an extra half hour or so can change in our morning! A couple of the mornings the girls actually had time to play before school and a couple other mornings we did a devotional that we usually do at night, in the morning. What an awesome way to start the day, and I'm enjoying it because I know this extra morning time won't last forever, their sleep schedule will soon regulate.
Also this week I washed {and put through the dryer} one of the girl's Hershey Factory Worker badges. It's only a piece of photo paper encased in plastic and hanging from a lanyard, but it's a very special vacation keepsake. Despite going through both machines, it was completely unharmed! Recently I have also washed various coins, a tube of Bonne Belle chapstick, and four pieces of gum that were in someone's pocket with no harm to any of the machines or objects. Clearly I need to be checking pockets better!
I am also grateful for the time we had with the girls to start this project:
I borrowed this "Thankful Tree" idea from someone who had theirs hand-painted on a woven tapestry so it could be used year after year. It was beautiful and I loved the idea. However, since that sounded like a project I could probably finish by the time my girls are about 50, I knew I needed to do something on a smaller scale. I talked it over with a friend who suggested I just draw ours on either poster board or butcher paper. Thanks, Tanya for the great idea! We will write things on construction paper leaves and glue them on the hand print tree branches. I also told the girls that for each leaf they put on the tree, they can add a feather to their hand print on the bottom to make a turkey. I think it will be fun.
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