The sort of strange looking, but endearing Nutcracker character appeared everywhere in the castle. Every detail was attended to.
The castle is, well...A Castle! A real one! And wonderful in just about every way, with amazing things to look at around every corner. It was snowing as we went in, making the whole castle scene even more perfect and whimsical.
Every winter the Paine Center transforms many of the rooms in their castle into different scenes of the famous ballet, The Nutcracker. Visitors are led through the castle for a tour by one of the ballet's actors as the scenes unfold. There are a few surprises along the way, and it was great! The girls were so excited.
The tour begins here, in the main ballroom, and along with the long corridor right outside this room, is the only place in the castle where pictures were allowed :-(
We were served punch and cookies, and there were a variety of cool, old fashioned toys under this Christmas tree for the kids to play with as we waited for our tour to begin.
By the huge fireplace in the ballroom.
And for our guide: The Beloved Godfather Drosselmeyer who was the one that gave Clara the Nutcracker. He was an excellent storyteller! Very funny and quirky, he captured the character perfectly.
As I mentioned before, the Nutcracker was everywhere! Even hiding in the Christmas trees. They had an upside down Christmas tree in the Sugar Plum room, completely adorned in glass ornaments that were all a pretty purple color. It took all my strength to keep my camera in the camera bag, there was actual pain involved :-)
Little peek a boos around the pillar. If the upside tree wasn't enough, The Land of Sweets had the most detailed and prettiest desserts I have ever seen. I cannot even put into words the time and creativity that went into each cake, cupcake, cookie, and candy. Imagine the best, most intricate wedding cakes you have seen decorated with the prettiest combination of Christmas colors. Then multiply that by 100, the entire long table that the room was centered around, and the surrounding shelves spilled over with all the delicious treats. It was quite a sight. My camera was calling to me, but I could not bring myself to break the rules.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Although all the names given to Jesus {Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords...} powerfully describe the characteristics of God, the name that speaks to me most clearly of His love for each of us individually, is Immanuel.
Immanuel, God with us.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men...The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father full of grace and truth."
~ John 1:1-4, 14
All week long our Pastor has pointed to these verses in John. God's love for a lost and dying world was so great that because we couldn't go to him, He came to us. He knew it would mean a humble birth in a stable, and a perfect, sinless life met with rejection, death on a cross. Yet still, he chose to "make his dwelling among us." The verses above remind me that this was God's plan from the beginning. It wasn't some play of desperation when all else failed, from the very beginning He was there and had a hand in all of it.
One of my favorite Christmas songs by Downhere:
Follow the star to a place unexpected,
Would you believe after all we've projected:
a child in a manger?
Lowly and small, the weakest of all,
unlikeliest hero, wrapped in his mother's shawl.
Just a child, is this who we've waited for?
How many kings step down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
And how many gods have poured out their hearts,
to romance a world that is torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
Bringing our gifts to the newborn Savior,
all that we have whether costly or meek,
because we believe.
Gold for his honor,
and frankincense for his pleasure, and
myrrh for the cross he'll suffer.
Do you believe?
Alyssa singing in the 2008 Christmas musical. She loves to sing :-)
Sorry for the abrupt cut-off at the end. Also, I'm not sure why each video has a picture of the first frame below it?
Wow, the miracle and wonder of Christmas, and the love that was behind it all.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Immanuel, God with us.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men...The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father full of grace and truth."
~ John 1:1-4, 14
All week long our Pastor has pointed to these verses in John. God's love for a lost and dying world was so great that because we couldn't go to him, He came to us. He knew it would mean a humble birth in a stable, and a perfect, sinless life met with rejection, death on a cross. Yet still, he chose to "make his dwelling among us." The verses above remind me that this was God's plan from the beginning. It wasn't some play of desperation when all else failed, from the very beginning He was there and had a hand in all of it.
One of my favorite Christmas songs by Downhere:
Follow the star to a place unexpected,
Would you believe after all we've projected:
a child in a manger?
Lowly and small, the weakest of all,
unlikeliest hero, wrapped in his mother's shawl.
Just a child, is this who we've waited for?
How many kings step down from their thrones?
How many lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
And how many gods have poured out their hearts,
to romance a world that is torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
Bringing our gifts to the newborn Savior,
all that we have whether costly or meek,
because we believe.
Gold for his honor,
and frankincense for his pleasure, and
myrrh for the cross he'll suffer.
Do you believe?
Alyssa singing in the 2008 Christmas musical. She loves to sing :-)
Sorry for the abrupt cut-off at the end. Also, I'm not sure why each video has a picture of the first frame below it?
Wow, the miracle and wonder of Christmas, and the love that was behind it all.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
It's Christmas Eve, and we will have a White Christmas! We've had a rain and snow mix going on and off for the last couple of days, so while it may be a little slushy, the snow is finally starting to accumulate.
Earlier, I was baking treats for all our neighbors and at first, the girls were helping a lot. Then slowly I started losing them one by one as they went to the living room to color decorations for their re-telling of the Christmas Story. After a while, I heard a lot of laughter and jumping around, then a terrible crash, glass shattering. And that's just what it was. I won't go into all the details...suffice it to say that it involved someone who loves Iowa Football, a few snowballs, a beautiful double-paned window, and three energetic little cheerleaders loving every moment of this "game" up until the whole broken glass bit. It's Christmas Eve. I'm baking. Broken window. I started to cry {the most mature response to a broken window, I'm aware}.
Fortunately, only one of the two layers of glass broke, so cold air is not pouring into the house. And of course, the most important thing is that no one was hurt. Shortly after this happened the girls went outside to play. After having been outside for just a short time, the girls told me they had something to show me...
They built a snowman and named it Princess Jessica to "cheer me up." How sweet, it worked. I didn't get a photo until much later when the rain had washed her away some, she used to be taller. The good news? The window has a lifetime warranty and it will be about 6 weeks, but it will eventually be good as new.
At 4:15pm {Alyssa was very specific about the start time} the girls re-enacted the Christmas Story for us. Alyssa assigned the roles and all three of them worked very hard on set design.
The angel Gabriel to a hardworking Mary: "Do not be afraid, you have found favor with God. You will give birth to a son, and you are to name him the name of Jesus."
Pensive Mary. The line they tried to encourage out of her was: "Let it be to me as you have said." She wanted to name her baby Ariel. Alyssa was beside herself, her show after all was at the mercy of an iron willed three year old.
Mary reluctant to go to Bethlehem. Joseph led the donkey, while Mary tried to stay behind.
Okay, I'm going! (Clearly not part of the Christmas Story)
There was no room for them in the inn.
"But you can have my stable out back," the innkeeper told them.
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid. "Fear not," the angel said, "For I bring you good news, of great joy that will be for all people. For onto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
And this will be a sign onto you, you will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Magi from the east came...the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star they were overjoyed. They bowed down and worshiped him, giving him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Rejoice, a King is born!
Merry Christmas
Earlier, I was baking treats for all our neighbors and at first, the girls were helping a lot. Then slowly I started losing them one by one as they went to the living room to color decorations for their re-telling of the Christmas Story. After a while, I heard a lot of laughter and jumping around, then a terrible crash, glass shattering. And that's just what it was. I won't go into all the details...suffice it to say that it involved someone who loves Iowa Football, a few snowballs, a beautiful double-paned window, and three energetic little cheerleaders loving every moment of this "game" up until the whole broken glass bit. It's Christmas Eve. I'm baking. Broken window. I started to cry {the most mature response to a broken window, I'm aware}.
Fortunately, only one of the two layers of glass broke, so cold air is not pouring into the house. And of course, the most important thing is that no one was hurt. Shortly after this happened the girls went outside to play. After having been outside for just a short time, the girls told me they had something to show me...
They built a snowman and named it Princess Jessica to "cheer me up." How sweet, it worked. I didn't get a photo until much later when the rain had washed her away some, she used to be taller. The good news? The window has a lifetime warranty and it will be about 6 weeks, but it will eventually be good as new.
At 4:15pm {Alyssa was very specific about the start time} the girls re-enacted the Christmas Story for us. Alyssa assigned the roles and all three of them worked very hard on set design.
The angel Gabriel to a hardworking Mary: "Do not be afraid, you have found favor with God. You will give birth to a son, and you are to name him the name of Jesus."
Pensive Mary. The line they tried to encourage out of her was: "Let it be to me as you have said." She wanted to name her baby Ariel. Alyssa was beside herself, her show after all was at the mercy of an iron willed three year old.
Mary reluctant to go to Bethlehem. Joseph led the donkey, while Mary tried to stay behind.
Okay, I'm going! (Clearly not part of the Christmas Story)
There was no room for them in the inn.
"But you can have my stable out back," the innkeeper told them.
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid. "Fear not," the angel said, "For I bring you good news, of great joy that will be for all people. For onto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
And this will be a sign onto you, you will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Magi from the east came...the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star they were overjoyed. They bowed down and worshiped him, giving him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Rejoice, a King is born!
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Best Christmas Present Ever
Last night was the Children's Christmas program at church. As always, it was entertaining!
The evening starts with the pre-school program where each class has a song to sing while the kindergarten class stages the nativity scene. Kamele's 3 year old class had to wear dark clothing and as many bells as possible. She is so picky about the clothes and shoes that stay on her body, so I was worried she wouldn't leave this on, but she did great.
Once her class paraded onto stage, she spotted my mom first, and thus began a session of feverish waves to our row in the audience.
This picture came out so blurry but her excitement was cute and funny. Her teachers must have instructed them to wave to their families, and she must have liked the sound the bell attached to her sleeve made, because her enthusiastic waving went on forever. The people in the row in front of us, and behind us (who all knew she belonged to us) began laughing too as she carried on and on and on. To think, I thought she might come running right off the stage once she saw us in the audience. Much to my surprise, she enjoyed her moment in the spotlight.
And then came the singing. Ooooh Ooooh Oooooh.....
Yes, she has her hands down the back of her skirt in this pic, silly!
Getting carried away with her oooooohs.
Little Bells Duckie!
Alyssa getting her microphone in place for their show. Having a lapel mike in the show, is a huge highlight of performing for her. She'll talk about it for weeks ahead of time, telling anyone who asks her about the upcoming performance that SHE gets a LAPEL mike!!! Because of course, they don't want to hear what the show is about or anything like that, they just want to be sure she'll be using a microphone!
Laughing at something that happened during the rehearsal right before the show.
Pre-show smiles.
Little Em too. This is her first Kid's Choir performance.
Emma and her friend, Natalie.
The stage is set...for The Best Christmas Present Ever!
Alyssa and her friend, Annalese. These two are a lot of fun to watch together. They have quite a bit of experience performing together, and they always play off each others roles very well.
Ka'iulani loves being on stage. Her character in this play is named Mia. The script described her as a "sweet young girl." I like her expression in this photo as Annalese is speaking.
Interacting with anchor-man, Rod Stark. She had so much fun preparing for this character. And the man playing Rod Stark is an actual tv news reporter here, so the kids were so excited to perform with a real "local celebrity."
Walk...Walk...Walk...Walking in the Light!
I can see the words of her line on her lips here: "Wait..Wait! Wait! We need to pray!"
Leading the group in prayer. Look at the boy on her left, he's great at staying "in character" for the whole musical. I really like his expression of concentration on her prayer in this photo.
Singing her solo. I'll try to post video clips of the show later, because I know she'd want me to share. I probably won't have them until at least the first part of January. All her hard work and preparation paid off, she was such a good "little Mia"!
It was fun to see Emma in the choir for the first time. I don't think performing in front of a large crowd is her natural bent, the way it is for Alyssa. It's very natural and comfortable for Alyssa, I think she would do it all day long, everyday if she could, and I just don't think Emma feels quite the same way about it. The amazing thing to me is that because of the awesome example Alyssa has always set for her, it has really encouraged Emma to try something that on her own, she might not have had that much interest in. And not only that ~ she did great, really becoming more comfortable with performing, and as you can see from all these pics she had a blast!!
Emma's turn to Walk in the Light.
Singing her solo, "Happy Birthday, Jesus." She sounded sweet.
Singing up towards the front of the stage, waiting for the last line of her solo. I think she had the longest solo of the show. I hadn't been so nervous since my own gymnastics meets a long time ago. It was a lot for a little one to remember, but she did it!
It was a really cute and sometimes very funny performance. An awesome message from the kids about making room in your heart for Jesus, and making meaningful connections with the people God has placed in your path so that they can know Him through you! All the kids did such a great job. Certainly a Christmas present that warmed my heart. We are so proud of you, girls!!
The evening starts with the pre-school program where each class has a song to sing while the kindergarten class stages the nativity scene. Kamele's 3 year old class had to wear dark clothing and as many bells as possible. She is so picky about the clothes and shoes that stay on her body, so I was worried she wouldn't leave this on, but she did great.
Once her class paraded onto stage, she spotted my mom first, and thus began a session of feverish waves to our row in the audience.
This picture came out so blurry but her excitement was cute and funny. Her teachers must have instructed them to wave to their families, and she must have liked the sound the bell attached to her sleeve made, because her enthusiastic waving went on forever. The people in the row in front of us, and behind us (who all knew she belonged to us) began laughing too as she carried on and on and on. To think, I thought she might come running right off the stage once she saw us in the audience. Much to my surprise, she enjoyed her moment in the spotlight.

And then came the singing. Ooooh Ooooh Oooooh.....

Yes, she has her hands down the back of her skirt in this pic, silly!
Getting carried away with her oooooohs.
Little Bells Duckie!
Alyssa getting her microphone in place for their show. Having a lapel mike in the show, is a huge highlight of performing for her. She'll talk about it for weeks ahead of time, telling anyone who asks her about the upcoming performance that SHE gets a LAPEL mike!!! Because of course, they don't want to hear what the show is about or anything like that, they just want to be sure she'll be using a microphone!
Laughing at something that happened during the rehearsal right before the show.
Pre-show smiles.
Little Em too. This is her first Kid's Choir performance.
Emma and her friend, Natalie.
The stage is set...for The Best Christmas Present Ever!
Alyssa and her friend, Annalese. These two are a lot of fun to watch together. They have quite a bit of experience performing together, and they always play off each others roles very well.
Ka'iulani loves being on stage. Her character in this play is named Mia. The script described her as a "sweet young girl." I like her expression in this photo as Annalese is speaking.
Interacting with anchor-man, Rod Stark. She had so much fun preparing for this character. And the man playing Rod Stark is an actual tv news reporter here, so the kids were so excited to perform with a real "local celebrity."
Walk...Walk...Walk...Walking in the Light!
I can see the words of her line on her lips here: "Wait..Wait! Wait! We need to pray!"
Leading the group in prayer. Look at the boy on her left, he's great at staying "in character" for the whole musical. I really like his expression of concentration on her prayer in this photo.
Singing her solo. I'll try to post video clips of the show later, because I know she'd want me to share. I probably won't have them until at least the first part of January. All her hard work and preparation paid off, she was such a good "little Mia"!
It was fun to see Emma in the choir for the first time. I don't think performing in front of a large crowd is her natural bent, the way it is for Alyssa. It's very natural and comfortable for Alyssa, I think she would do it all day long, everyday if she could, and I just don't think Emma feels quite the same way about it. The amazing thing to me is that because of the awesome example Alyssa has always set for her, it has really encouraged Emma to try something that on her own, she might not have had that much interest in. And not only that ~ she did great, really becoming more comfortable with performing, and as you can see from all these pics she had a blast!!
Emma's turn to Walk in the Light.
Singing her solo, "Happy Birthday, Jesus." She sounded sweet.
Singing up towards the front of the stage, waiting for the last line of her solo. I think she had the longest solo of the show. I hadn't been so nervous since my own gymnastics meets a long time ago. It was a lot for a little one to remember, but she did it!
It was a really cute and sometimes very funny performance. An awesome message from the kids about making room in your heart for Jesus, and making meaningful connections with the people God has placed in your path so that they can know Him through you! All the kids did such a great job. Certainly a Christmas present that warmed my heart. We are so proud of you, girls!!
Bethlehem Marketplace
On Saturday, we went to Bethlehem Marketplace at Elmbrook Church.
Princess curtsy.
Our driveway is pretty much a sheet of ice lately, and Kahiwa loves it! She did stop skating around long enough to pose for a pic though.
For the Bethlehem Marketplace, the church transforms their huge gymnasium into what the city streets of Bethlehem would have looked like during the census that took place at the time of Jesus' birth. It was very cool.
Right as we arrived, before we even got all the way into the gym where everything takes place, I was reminded {by my allergies} that there were going to be live animals as part of the displays. Uh oh, to late for Claritin, or benedryl, or anything else that would have helped out.
Kahiwalani signing in for the census.
Ka'iulani signing in for Kamele as she looks on. She signed her own name right near the pen that she isn't using.
Each person who signed in with the census takers were given 3 Shekels. Emma was so excited to have the coins to spend.
And wouldn't you know that the very first opportunity for her to spend her money would be on one of her most favorite things to collect ~ rocks!! It was super hard for her to walk by without making a purchase, but she did, because she didn't know yet what the rest of the Market would offer.
Alyssa learning how to use a tool.
Kahiwa petting a goat.
Kamele petting a chicken.
...And looking at a duck. She enjoyed the animals a lot.
Admiring all the pretty jewelry, and wishing she had the 40 shekels to buy some.
The girls with a Roman soldier.
Watching the basket weavers at work.
Learning how to play mancala.
More of the animals. I was really struggling with my allergies by this point, but despite that, it was neat to see the bustling marketplace of Bethlehem and all the activities that would have been going on there at that time.
All throughout the time we were there I was reminded of a verse, Matthew 2:6. It says: "But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means the least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel." The people there could not have possibly understood the impact of what was about to happen, and unfortunately, many were too busy or unwilling to even notice.
Rebekah digging her hands in a bowl of actual frankincense and myrrh.
Princess curtsy.
Our driveway is pretty much a sheet of ice lately, and Kahiwa loves it! She did stop skating around long enough to pose for a pic though.
For the Bethlehem Marketplace, the church transforms their huge gymnasium into what the city streets of Bethlehem would have looked like during the census that took place at the time of Jesus' birth. It was very cool.
Right as we arrived, before we even got all the way into the gym where everything takes place, I was reminded {by my allergies} that there were going to be live animals as part of the displays. Uh oh, to late for Claritin, or benedryl, or anything else that would have helped out.
Kahiwalani signing in for the census.
Ka'iulani signing in for Kamele as she looks on. She signed her own name right near the pen that she isn't using.
Each person who signed in with the census takers were given 3 Shekels. Emma was so excited to have the coins to spend.
And wouldn't you know that the very first opportunity for her to spend her money would be on one of her most favorite things to collect ~ rocks!! It was super hard for her to walk by without making a purchase, but she did, because she didn't know yet what the rest of the Market would offer.
Alyssa learning how to use a tool.
Kahiwa petting a goat.
Kamele petting a chicken.
...And looking at a duck. She enjoyed the animals a lot.
Admiring all the pretty jewelry, and wishing she had the 40 shekels to buy some.
The girls with a Roman soldier.
Watching the basket weavers at work.
Learning how to play mancala.
More of the animals. I was really struggling with my allergies by this point, but despite that, it was neat to see the bustling marketplace of Bethlehem and all the activities that would have been going on there at that time.
All throughout the time we were there I was reminded of a verse, Matthew 2:6. It says: "But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means the least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel." The people there could not have possibly understood the impact of what was about to happen, and unfortunately, many were too busy or unwilling to even notice.
Rebekah digging her hands in a bowl of actual frankincense and myrrh.
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