Friday, November 6, 2009

Going Fishing at G&G's

Her moments like these are few, but I thought Emma's little pout face was cute.

After seeing my cousin's children enjoy this game a lot in Mississippi, my dad thought our girls would like it too. We all had a lot of fun with it, I was getting to the point where I wanted to play by myself and set a stop watch to see how quickly I could clear out the pond.

Kamele barely ever wants anything in her hair! But this morning, she asked if I would put it up in a pony tail, so I was happy to do that. It actually lasted for most of the day, and I loved the way her baby fine hair looked up in the pony tail.

1 comment:

KmCaCFamilyof5 said...

My kids really enjoy that game too! Carter thinks it's funny to run off with the fish once they've been "caught". Rebekah's hair looks so cute in a little pony tail =) In this profile picture of her... she looks a little like Emma.