Friday, November 6, 2009

All Dressed Up!

So, I guess I can always be counted on to post about things that happened WEEKS ago. I drafted this post only one week after Halloween, but here it is, November 24th, and I am just now getting around to finishing it. Here are some photos of the girls all dressed up for Halloween.
A quick family photo before trick or treat. Further confirmation for me that I should never wear a hat. I always look so weird, must have an odd shaped noggin or something, but it was a chilly day.

I should have gotten a wider view of this house. It is an old beautiful victorian looking house. It was all decorated (not in a spooky way, just pretty fall decor) and as the girls approached the door, it was one of those moments where I wished I could pause time. They looked so cute in their costumes and of course the anticipation of the candy was fun too.

Here the girls are looking out the window just hoping and hoping to have the chance to give some candy out to all the treaters passing by. For some reason, everyone kept passing my parents house without coming up to the door. They do have a long driveway, but come on people, are you trick or treating or what? Eventually the girls took the candy outside and jumped up and down and waved people up to the house as they passed. It worked.

The girls with their good friends.

I started posting several individual pics of the girls all dressed up, and realized the post would be way too long. Making these collages was even more fun, feel free to click on them to see them closer up...
Princess Em all pink and sweet, being a little bit silly at times too.

Beautiful Bride Minnie. She actually looked quite elegant in all white, and was so proud of her painted pearl nails.

Tiny Snow White, singing into the well, just like in the movie. She loved her high heals.

Thank you to Grandmommy and Granddaddy, who sent the girls money to buy costumes. Some of these items we already had, we bought some accessories along with their outfits, and put the rest of the $ into the girls' savings accounts. Thank you, Thank you!!

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