Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Emma Lost Her 1st Baby Tooth!!!

Emma's four front teeth (2 in the middle on the bottom, and 2 in the middle on the top) have been wiggly for several weeks. Last week the 2 loose ones on the bottom went from being wiggly to LOOSE, LOOSE, LOOSE!
On Monday night after school, one of them was so loose, that it had to come out (she could spin it around backwards with her tongue). It would have come out easily if I just tugged on it a bit, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It had to wait until Daddy got home from work. Isn't her little window cute? Alyssa lost her first tooth ever at almost the same exact time in first grade.

All the tooth excitement happened at the same time that we are trying to learn how to take care of two caterpillars we found in a forest preserve near G & G's house. The two caterpillars are the two dark (fuzzy!!) horizontal lines in the bug box, right on top of each other. Once I have the chance to look through the pics we took over the weekend, I'll hopefully post some where you can see our new "pets" better (and some Halloween photos of the girls too :-). Emma named one of the caterpillars Poofy, and Alyssa named the other Calico.


KmCaCFamilyof5 said...

How exciting! Cristian is really wanting to lose his first tooth... his bottom two are wiggly, but not to the "loose" stage yet. So, what's the tooth fairy leaving these days? I need a heads up for what's the standard $$ given for a first tooth =)

jessica said...

We have typically left two dollars for the first tooth lost and one dollar for each tooth after that. I hope we aren't being too cheap
Also, for the first we usually get some kind of special toy (just something small) and a food treat that they love that is easy on the missing tooth ~ Em wanted chocolate pudding.