Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Apple Harvest Party

Last Wednesday, the Room Parents in Emma's class organized an "Apple Harvest Party" in celebration of autumn. It was a lot of fun!
When I arrived, Emma's group was at the snack table where they had hot apple cider and caramel dipped apples. YUM!

They asked me to help with the beaded necklace station, and here is Emma's friend, Kylie helping her put her necklace on. Rebekah was also very happy to be helping with the beads, it kept her little fingers busy!

This little girl, Amari was very sweet helping Bekah put together the part of the necklace that she couldn't get on her own.

The necklace seemed to finish up more quickly than some of the other crafts, so when we were done Emma read a book to her group.

Rebekah was hugely entertaining to the little boys in Emma's class. They kept wanting to play games like tug of war with her, or chase her around the room, and she loved it. It was kind of funny, because I found out later in the day during Alyssa's party, that the girls in her class were much more interested in playing with Kamele, and the boys hardly even noticed she was there.

Making an apple flag with Herr Haase.

Emma's decorated apple cookie.

Posing for a quick pic while she colors her apple.

After a while she covered up her picture that she was coloring, and at the top I saw she had written "Mommy" on it, so that was my cue to stop watching her, because she wanted to give it to me as a surprise later :-)

Emma was the last child to get her face painted, and at that time, Herr Haase called for the kids to listen to instructions and they all froze in place making the shhhh sign over their lips and holding up two fingers. I always love seeing teacher's routines for getting the kids' attention and maintaining order. Last year it was clapping back a pattern and waiting for the teacher to give directions. They didn't seem to know when to put their hands down, they held the position the entire time Herr Haase was talking.

Ms. Josephine painting an apple on Kahiwa's cheek.

Very happy with how it turned out!

Ms. Barb reading to the class. Emma has come home and told me, "I am so lucky to have Stefan in my class this year, his mom is the best German reader."

Ms. Jospehine painting a pumpkin on Bekah's hand. She had to be talked into the hand painting, and did not even want to have anything to do with the paint going on her face.

Cute pumpkin!!! Thanks Miss Jo!

1 comment:

KmCaCFamilyof5 said...

By the smile on her face, you can tell Emma really enjoys school! Looks like a fun Autumn Harvest party!