Our first stop on our way to visit Aunt Laura and Joe in Missouri was G & G's house. 
The girls by the pool.

By the slide. They have figured out that if they dump a bowl full of water down the slide, they go faster. FUN!

This was entertaining and funny. The girls were singing and dancing as Alyssa played the "guitar" on the pool's skimmer.

Kahiwalani diving for rings. Rebekah loves to throw the rings in and watch the older girls swim for them, this was Emma's turn to retrieve.

Rebekah pouring water on Emma's backside.

Peeking through the flowers before she slides.

Digging in the rocks.
We always make time to play with the Knepper girls when we visit G&G...

So happy to play together, Ava and Emma are racing in the driveway.

Rebekah in between the swing doors that lead to the pool's filter room.

Alyssa, Emma, Ellie, and Ava in the pool.

The girls had a lot of fun re-enacting the pool scene from HSM 2 where Sharpe falls into the water while doing her "glamour girl" wave. Alyssa, Ava, and Emma each took a turn to act out Sharpe's role, while Ellie directed. It was a cute little skit they put on, and Alyssa was teaching Ellie to use theatre terms as she directed.

At the conclusion of the show, Ellie introduced all the actors, then they jumped in the pool together (or almost together, Alyssa jumped late) as a finale. I love how Ellie and Emma are almost mirror images of each other in this pic, kind of liked synchronzied jumping.

Alyssa's late jump ;)

Rebekah, and the Knepper's youngest girl, Maggie enjoying some time together on the front patio.

All 6 girls eating lunch, Mrs. Knepper got them Taco Bell. Quite possibly a first for our girls, and they liked it!
Next stop on our way to Missouri, G&G's lakehouse...We love the lake!
The girls on the deck.

Walking down the steps to go to the playground at the concession stand.

Yum, their favorite ice cream is at the lake's concession stand.

Another ice cream picture, this time with the lake behind them

We saw some deer, and the girls were so excited! We saw three different fields where the deer were playing and grazing, and they looked very peaceful and pretty.

I think by stopping our car to take a photo, we scared this poor little fawn who took off running to it's mother.
After resting for the night, it was on to our BIG drive.
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