Good Morning and Happy Birthday!
She's taking a look at all her presents that I set out on the window sill the night before. The picnic basket she is reaching into was given by Aunty Ku'ulei, Uncle Addison, Ki'inani, Ka'anela, and Kekane. It is so cute with little dishes in it, and all 3 girls fell in love with it. Emma was carrying it around, and my mom told me, "I don't think she wants to give that back to Rebekah."

At the breakfast table before church, all dressed and ready to go in her Neopolitan dress. Emma came downstairs dressed in her Neopolitan dress, so Kamele wanted to wear the same thing. A few minutes later, she changed her mind, and wore the "Birthday Girl" outfit from Grandmommy and Granddaddy. She was so excited about the birthday balloons we had gotten for her, and the tea set that Grandma picked out for her. It was sitting on the table, waiting for her when she woke up.

Alyssa ready for church.

After church she opened all her presents. She loved this pink dress from Great Mommy and Great Daddy, she wanted to wear it right away!

She also wanted to put on this green dress from Aunty. I'll have to get you a better photo of her actually wearing it, Aunty!!

Riding her scooter from Grandma and Grandpa in the living room. She jumped right on it as soon as my dad toke it out of the box. Alyssa helped Grandma pick out the scooter, and Bekah loves it, it's her new favorite outside toy.

Opening a Barbie that Kahiwa picked out for her. We have lots of Barbies because the older girls love them, but she had never had one that is
HERS so she was very happy.

Emma helping her open the "Precious Places Pony Palace" that she picked out for her.

Birthday hugs for Grandpa.

And Grandma too! These pics were actually taken right as they were leaving for the weekend, so I should have posted them further down, but here is good too :)

Outside on the patio getting ready for her birthday cake and tea party.

Getting ready to light the candles with Daddy. I should explain that I was trying to make an Alice in Wonderland cake that was supposed to have lopsided layers. Even though the layers were supposed to be angled, there was a certain neat quality to the unbalanced cake I was trying to copy. The recipe looked SO CUTE and fun, and of course, mine didn't come out like the recipe. It looked like a mess that was about to melt or fall over at any moment. There was frosting everywhere and I kind of felt like crying about the terrible mess it turned out to be.

Everyone at the table getting ready to sing.

Rebekah looked at the cake though and said, "This is the prettiest cake I ever seen." So it wasn't a total loss, at least she was happy! Sweet Girl.

Singing to our 3 year old birthday girl.

Blowing out her 3 candles.

Cutting the cake. Each layer was a different kind of cake.

All the kids at the table for her cake and tea. The tea part of the day was a little crazy, some kids wanted Kool Aid, others wanted the hot tea. I only let the birthday girl and the two oldest kids, Ka'iulani and Kenzie have the "real" cups. There were just too many kids for me and my mom to watch them all with the delicate tea cups. But it was fun, and it was what Kamele had asked for :-)

Emma playing with her Ariel bubbles from G&G. She could play with this all afternoon. Thank you!

Bekah riding her scooter outside on our circle.

Emma wearing her cutest pink hat and grey kitty backpack from Grandmommy and Granddaddy. Each girl got one of these matching sets for Kamele's bday and they are soooo cute. Thank you!!

The 3 girls during present time.

The same day as Rebekah's birthday, the older girls had a Bible Quiz award banquet at church. Here is Emma with her medal.

This was Alyssa's last year in Pee Wee quiz and she scored 100% for the year, not missing a single question in any meet.

Her first cake of the day was actually here at church, here she has little frosting lips.

The girls with the Bible Cake.

Rebekah and Grandma.
Thank you again to our Parents, and Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, and cousins for making Rebekah's birthday so special!
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