By their excited faces here, you would not have guessed that the girls did not want to go to the beach today. They were too busy playing with their cousins, but once they got there, excitement took over, and they had a great time. These photos are Rebekah's first time in the Pacific Ocean, and despite all the running away she is doing in the pics, she did actually get in once I put the camera down and held her.

Testing the waters...

Getting a little braver {or running away :-)}...

The waves made a bigger impact than they anticipated, and I could tell just the sound of it was enough to deter Rebekah from getting any closer. She held on just a bit longer, waiting out a few more waves...

Now she's pretty sure that she's had enough!

The older girls loved the crashing waves! I had never seen them so excited as they ran away from something before...

Ka'iulani almost completely under the wave.

Here, let me help you up (maybe)...

They could have kept this up all day! And they just about did, at least for a few hours :-)
1 comment:
I love the feel of the warm Pacific Ocean. Feels quite different here in Washington when we go to the beach, LOL :) Cute pictures of the girls!
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