Sunday, July 24, 2011

On Hawaii Eve

Tomorrow, we are leaving to visit Dave's family. As I was packing I recalled this photo flip book that I got years ago on one of our first trips to Hawaii together. It has been at least a few years since I had it out to look through it.
When I saw this album sitting on the shelf in an ABC Store, Alyssa was a tiny baby at the time, but I knew I had to have it. Something about the three little girls on the cover spoke to me ~ and in a way, the two younger girls became a dream in my heart the day I saw this. A dream that eventually came true :-)

I showed it to Dave and asked if he remembered the day I asked him to buy it for me, and the circumstances around it. He laughed a little and said, "Yeah, we're not buying any books on this trip."


heather said...

That cover is incredible! Beautiful and so cool that you have three gorgeous girls just like it!

Have a great trip!!!

Michelle said...

Hope you guys have a wonderful time! Can't wait to see your pictures :)