During the Sunday night service, all the kids who participated in the camp share what they learned. Alyssa signed up for Human Video for the first time this year, but was asked if she minded skipping that to be part of the Worship Team. She was so excited to be asked that she was almost crying as she told me about it later that day. She LOVES to sing!

All 3 of the kids who led worship were doing this for the first time ever, and they did great. I was very proud of Alyssa. She has always loved to sing, but until I saw her response to being asked about worship team, and how hard she practiced the songs all week, I didn't know that leading worship was a desire she had in her heart. If I can, I will try to add video later.

Thanks to their great teachers, both Alyssa and Emma learned SO MUCH during their instrument sessions! Alyssa came home each afternoon excited to practice and very challenged by the songs she was playing on her french horn, and Emma's piano playing improved so much over the week. Emma was constantly telling me, "Ms. Lisa said I am learning stuff I never learned before, and now I know lots more notes."

Emma had a blast during Human Video. For lack of any better way to describe it, Human Video is the kids dramatically acting out the message of a song. There's a lot of dancing and sometimes humor involved, and all the kids seem to love it.

This was Emma's first year being old enough to do MaD Camp. I was asked by a few of her teachers throughout the week if Emma is always such a "giggle machine." She loved every minute.

The highlight of Emma's week was being a "dead fish" in the scene of the song where they were re-enacting Jonah being spit out of the whale. I heard about it all.week.long. I wasn't sure what to expect from Emma's portrayal of a dead fish, and it was funny. I had to tell her afterwards that she didn't stop smiling and moving around enough to actually be dead, but she was absolutely the cutest and happiest dead fish I had ever seen.
1 comment:
Loved all your pictures! what an honor it must have been for Alyssa to be ASKED to help lead the worship team. I would LOVE to hear her sing sometime :) Emma's big smile is as infectious as always. You can't but help smile when you see her face all lit up!
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