Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Picture Troubles and Picking Our Weight in Strawberries

**Updated: You can scroll down to see some posts that were earlier missing photos, so I delayed in posting them. I'm still trying to figure out the sizing of the pictures, that's why some are so small, and others are large...** 2nd Update: And nearly two hours later ~ I think I have it all figured out now :-)

Just a quick note...I keep getting an error message every time I upload photos. That's why the post below is missing Rebekah's pics from last week (although I'm almost sure they were there when I first posted it, hmm...) Dave is going to see if he can fix it for me tonight, and if anyone can, it's him :-) I drafted a few posts in the last few days that I was hoping to put up before we leave for 4th of July weekend, but I'm not sure if that will happen in the next 24 hours or not.

Anyway, a strawberry story since I don't have any pictures: We went strawberry picking yesterday. It's something I have wanted to do for a couple of summers now, but the season is so short that we keep missing it. I guess we were trying to make up for lost seasons ~ we now have strawberries coming out our ears. My first miscalculation was letting each of the girls grab their own flats for loading the strawberries as we picked them. They were such cute little crate/basket things, and they all wanted to carry one, so I figured what's the harm in that?

My second miscalculation came as I saw the girls happily filling up their flats out in the fields. The flats were filling up much quicker than I thought they would. By comparing in my mind the size of the containers of strawberries I buy at the store, I estimated that each flat could hold maybe 5 lbs of berries at the max. Emma was the first to throw her's up on the scale at the checkout ~ 8.2 pounds ~ that's a lot of strawberries, and the other girls didn't have much less. $26 worth of strawberries later, I better get pretty inventive with how we are going eat all these things {I froze a bunch for later throughout the season, but at 11:15 last night as I was washing and trimming all those leaf parts off the top, I was sure I never intended to have that many!} At least the price per pound was very reasonable.

There was a sweet lady who was picking berries with her own kids just a couple rows over from us. She complimented the girls, calling them charming and saying they were fun to listen to as they carried on conversations like no one else could hear them. I thanked her, not sure if I should add that more than likely, their conversation would not have been at all filtered even if they had known anyone was listening. That's just how they are. Silly conversations, fake English accents and all. It's always fun and reassuring when other people find the girls' antics as amusing as I do.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow, that is a very reasonable price for strawberries... $1/lb or less!! Are you planning on making jam?? Glad it was a fun outing for you and the girls :)