Over a week has passed and I'm not any closer to blogging about all the end of the school year activities, so I'm biting the bullet and putting as much in one post as I possibly can. I know all the Grandparents will enjoy the photos, but seriously, this is going to be really long. I owe you a prize if you can make it to the end!!
Rebekah's soccer finished up during the last week of school. She can continue playing in the Fall if she wants. She seemed to love it a lot, we think she may be a defender ~ in their last game she stopped at least 5 goals and only let one past her. She became more aggressive with her playing as the practices went on.
Lots more of Rebekah's soccer photos, including ones of her wearing a way too big jersey (so cute!) are
Alyssa went on a field trip to see her pen pal's school and experience what it is like to go to school in a more rural area, and her pen pal's class also came to visit our school on a different day that same week. These photos above are the only ones Alyssa took all day while visiting the other school. And by the looks of them, the school's blacktop area must have been a very interesting place. She's so funny, this evidently is what she interpreted from my instructions to takes lots of pictures.

Fortunately, her teacher took pictures of everyone with their pen pals.
The following day when she went on her end of the year field trip to Chicago, she did a much better job getting pictures. Like this one of Dave, who chaperoned. I meant to ask him afterwards if the shirt, which says "I Speak German" across the front of it caused him any problems. It's a bit of false advertising, and he frequently has people walk up to him wanting to speak Spanish (another language he doesn't speak well) with him, but I'm sure he would have mentioned if anything interesting happened.
Ka'iulani loved her end of the year field trip, it was one of those things that all her classmates had been looking forward to for the whole school year. More of her photos from the day are
This might be my new favorite picture of Emma doing gymnastics. I thought it looked like she was flying, and I love how her shadow is right below her and she's looking at it. More cool action shots are
here. Emma had a fun season, competing level 3, 4 and one level 5 meet this year.
Emma's class had a year end picnic on the same day as Alyssa's graduation picnic. Since I offered to take pictures at Alyssa's, I couldn't stay at Emma's picnic too long, but I did get to visit for a little bit and take a few photos of her with her friends.
Rebekah's class had a field trip to the farm. I love how she is looking at the cow in the top photo. Visiting there brought me back to last time I was at that farm which was Alyssa's kindergarten trip when I was about 7 months pregnant with Rebekah and had a tiny Emma tagging along with me. It was almost 90 degrees that day and it smelled miserable! No wonder I skipped out when Emma's class went ~ but this day was much cooler and easier on the nose. The kids enjoyed it so much. Farm photos are
Gathering Waters Festival is a fun lakefront activity at the beginning of each June. The last couple of years the weather has been a little questionable, and this year was no exception. It was a really grey and chilly day, but the girls loved it! Lots of fun arts and crafts, rock climbing and balance rope walking pictures are
Phew, that might be about it. Although believe it or not, now that I'm at the end I can recall at least one field trip that I missed! Like I said at the beginning, if you stuck with me this long, you deserve a prize. I don't know what that prize might be, but it ought to be something good :-)!!