Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Observer

Most of the time the girls take the bus to school in the mornings, and I pick them up in the afternoon. Often they will point out places as we drive by and tell me that their bus drives by it in the mornings. Sometimes, I think they must be wrong because we are in really random places when they tell me that :-) After school the other day Alyssa described a location to me and told me there were some beautiful flowers that would make the prettiest bouquet. She wondered if anyone would mind if she picked them.
The next time I drove past the place she mentioned, I took special notice of where she had described the flowers location to be. When I looked out there, I was surprised that she had noticed them from the road. They are very discreetly located right behind the tree, you can kind of see them in the tree's shadow.
Alyssa and I share a love of tulips and she was right, they were beautiful and bright. She had given me very precise directions, describing the tree, the shed I would see behind the tree, and their proximity to the nearby traffic light.

Photo 132 of 365, taken May 16th:
I felt like pulling off to take a picture was making me look suspicious (the flowers are near the entrance to a National Guard Refueling Wing, and I didn't want the intentions of my picture taking in a government protected field to be misunderstood) but at the time, I knew I had to get a picture for her since she loved them so much. It wasn't until later that I got to thinking about how much she had admired the flowers from such a distance but never got to see them as closely as I did.


Michelle said...

I love tulips too :) Good eye, Alyssa.

Michelle said...

I keep checking in hoping to see new posts :) I'm sure your end of the year was crazy busy like ours. Hope you're enjoying your summer so far!