My favorite girls!

Whoa, Em, don't fall!
Photo 125 of 365, taken May 4th:

Emma's friend Willow brought bff socks that have now become Emma's absolute favorite pair of socks. Emma has the strawberries, Willow has the apples and Dara has the peaches. Poor Emma looks like she needs some longer jeans...both she and Alyssa seem to be getting super tall, super fast. I can't seem to keep them in jeans that fit right.

The girls had so much fun! Emma got a turn in the cash cube to grab all the tickets, coupons and real cash that she could {it's harder than it looks according to Em} and just look at all the tickets the baby earned on her favorite game {I think Alyssa had something to do with Rebekah's big score}.

The sweetest card from Natalie and the coolest pink bouncy ball with a sharpie drawn pig from Ada. Emma sure does love cute pink piggies and her thoughtful friends know it!!
Photo 126 of 365, also taken May 4th:

After roller skating we went back to the house and roasted some marshmallows. From the looks of it, no one was having any fun at all. Nothing better than sugar filled, happy kids running around the yard on a beautiful Spring evening.
That is so cute!! Love a good roller skating party!
Livie has those same fruit socks. The girl will only wear "fun socks," so I've been very thankful to Target as they seem to keep bringing out new ones for me as she grows!
Looks like a FUN way to celebrate her birthday!
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