Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Can We Do This The Fun Way?

I took the girls to the lakeshore to do the hike at Seven Bridges and before we started on the trail Emma looked at me and in a very serious tone asked, "Can we do this the fun way?" I kind of thought just the fact that we were there was at least a little fun, but I just told her that they could hike the path however they liked, as long as it was safe.

Photo 127 of 365, taken May 5th:
It was interfering with their "fun way" that I wanted them to stop and take a picture.

The fun way sometimes means re-enacting the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff on each bridge we cross. 7 times on the way to the lake, 7 times on the way back...I think the story is cute, but 14 times in row makes it a little much.
Today the fun way meant scaling rocks down to the water {not on the path, by the way}.
Wading in freezing water. Ice bath, anyone?
And rock hopping through the creek that trails to the lake {still not on the path}.
Rebekah insisted on doing everything the older girls were doing, of course, and in spite of the fact that she was wearing super slippery slippers {flip flops}. I could barely stand to watch, I thought for sure she was going to fall on the rocks. But she kept answering my many requests for her to join me on the path with, "But I just want to be like Emma." Emma's friend, Hallie thought it was so cute and offered to trade Emma her little sister so she could have Rebekah.
It was an awesome day at the lake.
We definitely did it the fun way.
The season of trips to the lake and wet, sandy feet being tracked every where is here again. And I am so glad!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Looks like a great place to spend a summer day! Good for you for letting them do it the "fun" way. It's hard sometimes :)