Photo 81 of 365, taken March 29th:

Emma's friend, Willow and Rebekah's friend Skylar came over to help us with the eggs.

Willow is one of the funniest kids I have ever met, Emma just loves her! Someone at church asked them if they were twins, they were dressed similarly at the time as a result of raiding our closets looking for matching outfits, but they look nothing alike :-)
Photo 82 of 365 taken March 29th:

I thought Rebekah's expression to dropping her egg into the wrong color was too funny.

She was trying to make a pink egg, and accidentally used the red dye on the left instead of pink. The red egg turned out beautifully!

The pretty eggs.

Alyssa was so proud of this centerpiece she created on the kitchen table with a glass bowl and some of our cute plastic eggs.
Thank you, Lord for Good Friday. The very foundation of our faith rests on what you did on this day and our whole lives are changed because of your sacrifice. Thank you for your incredible love.
"You see, God knew however high they reached, however hard they tried, people could never get back to heaven by themselves. People didn't need a staircase; they needed a Rescuer. Because the way back to heaven wasn't a staircase; it was a Person.
People could never reach up to Heaven, so Heaven would have to come down to them.
And one day, it would."
~ excerpt from The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones {staircase referenced from the people's attempt to build a giant staircase to heaven with the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11}
How do you get your eggs so bright? :)
A couple of things...first we add vinegar to the water and dye tablet {which is something I always thought you HAD to do, but to my surprise, when I read the instructions, this part is optional, and results in brighter eggs.}
Also, we leave in them sitting in the dye cups for a LONG time! And sometimes even let them sit in one color for a while, then switch to a different color to really brighten up the end result. The downfall of this is that when we peel them, sometimes the egg white has absorbed some color, and the girls don't want to eat it...but it sure looks pretty :-) My favorite eggs were some glitter ones we made a couple years ago and we have been unsuccessful in our attempts to re-create their beauty.
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