Photos from Easter Morning:

Photo 86 of 365, taken March 31st.

We did have a slight amount of snow {see underneath the tree in the background, there were small, scattered patches of snow throughout the yard} on the ground Easter morning. I can't remember the last time that has happened.

Photo 87 of 365, taken March 31st. It's a rare occasion when we get a photo of me and Dave.

Photo 88 of 365, taken March 31st. The girls making a very delicious breakfast. I may have forgotten to make these resurrection buns this year without a reminder from the girls. They are so good.

Running around the yard to find eggs. It was a beautiful Easter day! Definitely the most Spring-like weather we have had so far this year!

If only you could see these dance moves in live action instead of frame by frame in this collage...they are pretty special!!
The reason we celebrate Easter ~
"Yes. Someone is going to come and rescue you! But he won't be who anyone expects.
He will be a King! But he won't live in a palace. And he won't have lots of money. He will be poor. And he will be a Servant. But this King will heal the whole world.
He will be a Hero! He will fight for his people and rescue them from their enemies. But he won't have big armies, and he won't fight with swords. He will make the blind see. He will make the lame leap like deer! He will make everything the way it was always meant to be.
But people will hate him, and they won't listen to him. He will be like a Lamb - he will suffer and die.
It's the Secret Rescue Plan we made - from before the beginning of the world!
It's the only way to get you back.
But he won't stay dead - I will make him alive again!
And, one day, when he comes back to rule forever, the mountains and trees will dance and sing for joy! The earth will shout out loud! His fame will fill the whole earth - as the waters cover the sea! Everything sad will come untrue. Even death is going to die! And he will wipe every tear from every eye.
Yes, the Rescuer will come. Look for him. Watch for him. Wait for him. He will come!
I promise."
~ excerpt from The Jesus Story Book Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones.