Here they are paddling out for the first time. Uncle David was a professional surfer and if he looks familiar, he has been on the show Hawaii 50 and in the movie Soul Surfer. She could not have had any better teacher!

Watching for the right wave.

Uncle David helped her stand up so she could catch her first wave.

I was surprised at how confident and relaxed she seemed out there.

While Alyssa was surfing, Aunty Kehau kept Rebekah busy playing in the waves ~ thank you, Kehau for taking such good care of her, the baby had so much fun!

Kaliko so sweetly looked after Emma, scooping her up when the bigger waves washed in. She loved it.

Getting a little stronger as she stands up on the board.

Her victory jump into the water on her first time back in to the shore.

Ka'iulani being washed over by a wave.

Emma went out too. I think she was a little more scared, feeling tiny out in the big ocean, I'm proud that she hung in there and went out more than once even though she was way out of her comfort zone.

I loved this picture. From watching on the shore, you would not have guessed that she was scared, but I know she was trying to reach her arms behind her to hold onto Uncle David.

Happy to have her feet back in the sand.

Out on her second run, this time you can see the arms reaching back like I mentioned earlier. She loved surfing and I know she'll be more aggressive the next chance she gets to go out.

She knows what to do :-)

Intently watching the water.

She didn't need any help to stand up this time! I was so happy for her. I know she didn't expect to become an expert on her first try, but it was so important to her that she could feel like she had tried and done well. It could not have gone much better, she accomplished what she set out to!

Now if that isn't one happy girl I don't know what it is!
Thank you so much to Uncle David for taking the girls out and being so watchful of them. I was a little nervous, but from the very first minute the girls were in the water, I could tell they were safe with him. It really was a dream come true for them, especially Ka'iulani!!
Brave girls! Great job!!!!!!
Loving all your vacation photos...just gorgeous!
How fun!
I always wanted to be a surfer girl growing up in FL, but I didn't actually want to get in the water - that doesn't work so well. I liked all the cute clothes though!
Great job to the girls!!
These pictures are amazing ... and your girls are AWESOME ... AND I really want to be in hawaii right now. =(
We JUST watched Soul Surfer this past weekend with the kids... and I think I successfully scared my kids into never wanting to surf in their ENTIRE lives. (that was definitely not my intention). Great movie!
So happy for Alyssa, glad she was able to stand up on the board all by herself! that's awesome.
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