It was absolutely beautiful. It was hard at times to remember that we were in a zoo, the animal's habitats all seemed a natural part of the environment there, and all the plants were so pretty.

This macaw was right near the zoo entrance and says "Aloha" to the guests as they come in.

Walking around the zoo was incredibly peaceful and relaxing. I wanted to soak it all up. It seemed quite possible that these were the most perfect flowers ever created and I didn't want to forget a single detail.

And I loved this sign! Not like anything we see at home. Falling rocks? Yes. Danger Ice? Yes. But fruit? Funny.

The zoo's featured animal is this white tiger, Namaste. He was owned by a magician in Las Vegas who visited the zoo and knew this would be a better home for him, so he allowed the zoo to adopt him.

This cockatoo's name is Eisenstein, and he's the same kind of bird as the naughty bird in the movie, Rio. We also saw a blue macaw like Blu, but my photo didn't come out great. Einstein was sweet and I think he wanted company... he would talk to us in a really low voice like he wanted us to lean in close to his cage to listen, and then as soon as we walked away, he squawked really loud, beckoning us back.

It's a small zoo, I think we were able to walk through the entire place in about 2 hours, but it was definitely one of our most favorite places on the Big Island. It felt like an adventure in a perfect little corner of the world.
Gorgeous pics...this zoo looks incredible!!1
always fun to explore a new zoo! and see all the animals that are unique to that specific area. White Tigers are my favorite animal :) Sadly, our zoo does not have one. But they are sooo pretty!
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