For Rebekah, every tiny detail of Christmas captivates her. It's the excitement of taking out our Christmas decorations and saying how pretty each one is as we unwrap it, bringing out the Christmas books and listening with eager anticipation like she has never heard the story before. Every new thing she sees is met with oooohs and aaaahs and sweet comments like, "This is the best Christmas ever!" She gets so excited over every little thing that Dave has started calling her Baby Christmas. I love her wonder and awe at the miracle of the season!

Sunday, while her sisters were otherwise occupied she and I baked cookies. She must have said twenty or thirty times how much fun she was having, as if she had never helped me in the kitchen before. The sweet and yummy outcome was lots and lots of sugar cookies. She was so proud of how they turned out!

She doesn't look excited to share her cookies at all, does she? In addition to this snowman, Rebekah made Emma quite happy with a special pink pig cookie too!

She came downstairs one morning in this get up. I thought she looked like a little sugar plum with all these tutus layered up her body. And then she started singing this song below, I'm not familiar with it but I think it is something they have been singing in Sunday School, and she of course got shy as soon as the camera was turned on her...
On a rainy, dreary morning like today, she just melts my heart.
Love the tutu look and all her big smiles!! Such enthusiasm!!!
I remember her song too...I think it's just called Christmas is Coming. It's in Old English so it doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's fun to sing! :-)
Loved the pics on your Christmas card!
I loved your Christmas card too, Heather! Super cute!!
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