It's becoming a fun Mercer tradition. I think between four Mercer offices they earned $7,000 to donate to the Movember Foundation which supports prostate cancer research. Dave had a few conversations with people who recognized his growing facial hair and assumed he was preparing to keep his face warmer on a hunting trip, so beyond any dollar amount they were able to donate, just the opportunity to explain what they were doing was hopefully in some small way beneficial and brought awareness to the cause.

Instead of just growing a mustache this year, Dave let his "full beard" grow out as well. He's never had that much facial hair as long as we've been married, probably ever, as he prefers to be clean shaven. I thought it looked pretty good! It was surprising, and even the girls (except Emma) liked it too :-)

Admiring Dad's facial hair, just minutes before it disappeared for good...or at least until next November...
Can you believe that I had to put up with the facial hair all month and then Matt missed the photo for a meeting? :-)
Matt went goatee this year and I must admit that it was so much less creepy than just the mustache on him!
I noticed Matt was missing and meant to ask Dave where he was...and your description of the fuller facial hair growth vs. the mustache only look being "less creepy" is pretty accurate. I may have been trying to be polite with my description :-). It doesn't bother me that much at all, it's just...different.
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