We started Friday night with a favorite school event, Laternennacht, or Lantern Night. As always it was a bit chilly, but so much fun! The lanterns always look so pretty as the kids parade through the park...

Alyssa was at her first school dance this night. It was just one of those dances where the kids go in a big group of friends, and there were no actual couples that attend together ~ just for the record :-).
She was so sweet about it actually. She came home that night and told me she was going to make a list of songs that she wanted me to listen to, so she could have approval to make them part of her music library. Apparently, she knew only 3 or 4 of the songs they played all night, and she only knew the chipmunks version of them. She has a music teacher at church who taught the kids that if they ever get lost singing one of the songs while they are on stage for kid's worship team, they should just mouth the words "watermelon juice" so it looks like they are singing something, until they find their place in the song. Poor thing was a dancing machine, mouthing watermelon juice all night! But she did it in style, you have my word on that!

The next morning, the two younger girls and I were invited by some friends to the women's Christmas Tea at church while Alyssa was busy with First Stage rehearsals. It was so nice with a beautiful Christmas message, and a much needed break. We were about two weeks into a pretty rigorous rehearsal schedule for Junie B. (which now that they are performing the show several times a week, has been one of the funnest experiences for Alyssa!!) and the girls needed to do something fun! We surprised Alyssa after the tea by picking her up and bringing her to see the play, "Don't Tell Me I Can't Fly!" She had been wanting to see it, but I didn't think we would have time. After it came highly recommended by a friend, I thought we would take Alyssa for an early birthday present, since she wanted so badly to see it. It was great!

When we got downtown, we had about an hour and a half before the show started and we walked around looking at all the Christmas decorations. It was a beautiful day, not too cold, and perfect for taking a walk. Sometimes I think I don't give Milwaukee enough credit for being a pretty neat city ~ it's nice, especially when all decked out for Christmas!

Can you believe this is sidewalk chalk art? The girls were impressed and tried copying the poses in the artwork.

We walked through Red Arrow Park, and at the time, it wasn't cold enough for the ice skating rink to be there yet, but just last weekend I walked past and it was full of ice skaters.

Why the glum face? She doesn't like wearing nylons, that's why, and we were well past her two hour limit by this point. She complained her toes were in pain.

Any pain she was feeling probably had nothing at all to do with the crazy running and jumping the girls were doing on the benches outside the Marcus Center.

Silliness, silliness followed by a series of pictures in which I can only make a guess as to what the girls are doing. There was a lot of singing, dancing and theatrics going on as they made the sidewalk their own personal stage.

If it weren't for Emma's perfect plie form, I'd be afraid to ask what they are doing here, lifting heavy watermelons maybe?

The afternoon was a perfect refreshment from a busy schedule of running from activity to activity! I love their energy, even if I can't always keep up. They are my sweet, crazy, little bunch!

The following day my parents came up to celebrate Alyssa's birthday. She chose to go to El Fuego ~ the girl likes her mexican food :-) It was fun and yummy. I missed getting photos of the girls with my parents and the birthday girl with Dave and myself. We had a gymnastics meet thrown into the mix of the weekend as well, so it was busy, but great. It definitely jump started our Christmas excitement!
You guys are simply having TOO MUCH fun! :)Darling pictures ... your girls are SO beautiful Jess, and their smiles ... they light up the sky!
Sounds like a really fun weekend! I really love all the goofing around photos. Just so cute and really shows their personalities and how much fun you guys had too!
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