Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wild West Classic

The weekend of October 2nd and 3rd, Alyssa and Emma had their first gymnastics meet. It was hosted at our gym, and they did great! I didn't get good pictures. I was too much of a Nervous Nellie. It is so much fun watching the girls enjoy something that I loved doing when I was growing up. That being said, I had no idea how nervous I would feel for them. Most of the time when I competed, the nervous energy I experienced was the healthy kind of nervousness that I think actually helped my performance. Being in the gym as a mom, not a gymnast, was completely different than that. I could see they were feeling the huge pre-historic butterflies fluttering in their tummies, and it wasn't an easy thing to watch.
 Lining up for the March In. Watching this part of the meet brought back all kinds of gymnastics meet memories that I hadn't thought about in years!

 Bars was the girls first event, and it was rough. Rough for both of them. Alyssa is just like me, and bars is her most difficult event. She made the same mistake that I see her make at most practices, and then a fluke mistake. She was fine though, I think she was proud to make it through the routine.

Bars is typically Emma's best event, but she just didn't hit. She stared right at us throughout the entire routine. We will have to choose our seats more strategically at the next meet, we were a bit of a distraction! She was sooooo disappointed as she saluted the judges. I think she realized she hadn't done her best routine and the waterworks just flowed before she even got off the mats. I felt terrible and I think I even turned to Dave and told him I didn't think I could watch anymore. Fortunately, the rest of the meet was awesome and a huge confidence builder for both of them!!

 This is probably the best photo we got all day, I'll leave the gymnastics pictures to Dave from now on :-)

On Floor the girls both did the cleanest routines I have seen them do up to now and Vault was a solid event too. Beam was the best event for both girls, Alyssa scored 9.0 and Emma 9.2. Which if gymnastics scores don't mean a whole lot to you, those are very respectable scores, especially on beam and in a first meet. I was very proud of them, and when Alyssa saw the 9.0 get flashed, she just lit up! It was so cool.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow, great beam scores!! that's wonderful! Congrats to Alyssa and Emma!

I can only imagine how nerve wracking that would be to watch your daughter compete. A part of me hopes Ava choses a different sport... just for that reason :) I'm a nervous wreck just when she's at practice. So afraid she'll get hurt or something.