Saturday, January 9, 2010

we were wondering when we would see you again

Over the weekend, the girls wanted to play in the snow while I cooked dinner. I looked out the back door and saw Kamele burying Kahiwa in the snow. I went out to get a few pictures, and also to figure out why Kahiwa was cooperating with this game, and when I looked up this is what we saw...

We saw these same three deer back in early December, and have since seen their hoof prints on our driveway, so we know they spend a lot of time close by, but it was still startling to see them right in front of us.

The deer seemed a little frightened by us, but did not make any immediate move to leave, so we just stood and watched them for a couple minutes.

Aren't they sweet?

Finally, it was either my constant picture taking, or the girls getting more comfortable playing and being loud in their presence that had them prancing off between the yards. The girls watched them leave from a distance. We were happy to see them again!

1 comment:

KmCaCFamilyof5 said...

I'm just getting caught up on my blogging and following my blogger friends :) I've missed a lot! Those deer are so cute, and what an experience to see them so up close!